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Leveling up weapon question

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Carl2801, 11 Oct 2017.

  1. Carl2801

    Carl2801 New Member

    16 Sep 2017
    As my infamy goes up I’ve noticed that a lot of people have Level 3 or 4 EPIC or even LEGENDAY weapons. Am I doing something wrong because I can’t even seem to get a match for the RARE explosive or blast connon for months now. How are people able to find multiple Epic and Legendary items??? The only thing I can think of is that they have either been playing not stop for years or they are pouring in tons on money to buy pearls and Epic Containers.....and if that is the case how are you suppose to realistically compete?
  2. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    To get tier IV - V epics would take ~6-12 months, whereas tier V rares might only take 3-6, so yes these guys either have been playing a while or (most likely) dropped some cash on the game. You can still compete with rare items and in general as a F2P player, it just takes much longer to get to that state. Currently my highest is 3800 infamy as f2p, but I'm only mk5 so you can see how a player is very capable of reaching nightmare League / end game without spending $$$.
    My advice for you is to do all the weekly quests and log in daily for the rares, anything additional after that isn't all that necessary but it can help speed up the process a little. Maybe try to get into an active guild if u aren't already, that could help.
    The Otherguy and Wishaal like this.
  3. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    This is a delicate balance. It's not only harder to get the epics, and duplicates, you need. Epics take a ton more resources to level up. Since a level 2 is roughly equivalent to a level 30 rare maybe the resources are built in. But I can still easily gather the parts to upgrade my t4 sniper, it's at 39 currently, while I had to grind to get my sniper to level 20.

    My [strike]bad[/strike] advise would be to hold on to every epic you get, upgrade your preferred rare items as as far as you can, then leisurely upgrade the epic scrapping the ones you don't use for the resources. When you epics reach the level of the rare you can run duals, or triples, or scrap the rares for resources.

    Probably a terrible solution, but I took the one epic rail gun, which wasn't doing any good alone and since I had enough rare dupicates to go t5, scrapped it to upgrade my 2 epic standard cannons, which are weak by the standards of other weapons, to t2 to scrap for the resource parts for my sniper. Like I said. They take a lot if resources
    Last edited: 12 Oct 2017
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I’ve never bought an epic crate, and I’ve had loads of rare duplicates (been playing about 2 months).

    Try to complete the quests that you get. You can save time by doing 3 together. Don’t keep any red item weapons on your unused boats (else you’ll be given quests for those weapons).

    You’ll get plenty of gold and sugar from the quests, as well as rare chests. Spend the gold on rare pieces in the shop, spend any pearls on refreshing the shop. If you always buy the rare pieces you’ll get rares at a much faster rate. Scrap rares that you don’t want, they give you loads of parts and pieces (including epic pieces) when scrapped, which is great for levelling up and finding duplicates.
    Last edited: 12 Oct 2017
  5. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    You complaining about rare weapons. I have been going through star crates for a month and still cannot get an uncommon mine. When it comes to explosive cannon I get tons of it.. FML
  6. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    If you login for daily bonuses, and ensure you complete each weekly quest, then use all your gold to buy rare parts, you will get a LOT of rares per week.
    If you prioritize finding rares over upgrading your current gear, you will find your dupes, Then you can upgrade them all. Worked for me.
    ViscountSniffit likes this.

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