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Let's talk about PERKS..

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by righteousONE, 7 Aug 2018.

  1. righteousONE

    righteousONE New Member

    26 Oct 2017
    ... I dunno If I just missed it or if anyone already posted a "guide for which BEST Perk to use" for a particular weapon (but of course that would be subjective depending on what build you have) can someone give me the link if ever someone already posted it?
    .... here's my dilemma what would be a best perk to use using my blast cannon since it's level 40 I put 3 "cannon critical hit chance" for the 3 perk slot, now I acquired a "Cannon critical hit damage" which gives 20% more crit damage (as soon as it takes effect) I dunno If I woul put that Cannon crit hit dmg over the cannon crit hit chance? Which would be better to use captains?? Thanks in advance for those who would reply... Screenshot_20180807-141607.jpg Screenshot_20180807-141607.jpg
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Generally speaking the Crit Damage Perk is considered the worst one. Your ‘average damage’ is highest with a regular Damage Perk, or a Crit Chance Perk.

    If you want to run your Blast as a crit cannon, then you really need all three perks to be Crit Chance, to get it up to 14.5%. If you can, try to get hold of the Legendary ‘Strike’ Cannon Crit Chance perk. That will be your best option.
  3. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    No, just remove the crit dmg perks and replace them with dmg perks.
    Crit dmg perks affect the crit shot only, while the dmg perks affect both crit shot and regular shot.
    u will get +16% more dmg on regular shots and +32% on crit shots.
    The crit dmg perk will give u +40% on the crit shot, and it won't give u any extra dmg on the regular shots.
    Blast cannon cooldown=11.1 sec
    Average accrual battle time per match=3 min
    u will have at most 16 shots per match, which implies that you will have 0.88 crit shot per match.
    Let's say that u missed three shots, then u will have at most 0.75 crit shot per match.
    (If u only have one crit chance perk on ur Blast Cannon)
    with crit dmg perks: 12 x 757 + 0.75 x 2000=10,500 average dmg per match.
    with dmg perks: 12 x 900 + 0.75 x 1500=12,000 average dmg per match

    Remove ur crit dmg perks and equip dmg perks
    (Give me some numbers to do more reliable calculations: ur blast dmg with two epic dmg perks and ur blast crit dmg with two epic crit dmg perks)
    Mr. Joseph likes this.
  4. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    I did that once with my blast, and I’m gonna do it again. I think it’s an awesome idea. I got double crits every 3rd game.
  5. righteousONE

    righteousONE New Member

    26 Oct 2017
    ... Gee thanks for that detailed reply
  6. righteousONE

    righteousONE New Member

    26 Oct 2017
    .. Thanks for the reply sir, I really appreciate it!

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