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Kills or infamy

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by 5point5six, 15 Feb 2018.


Which means your a better player?

  1. Infamy

    20 vote(s)
  2. Kills

    3 vote(s)
  1. 5point5six

    5point5six New Member

    15 Feb 2018
    My friend and I are semi new to battle bay and loving it. In competitive spirit we compare specs and are in a huge debate. He believes that kills are more important then infamy. We both started a week apart and have mk2 ships. He's level 13, I'm still a 12. His kills are 500 plus and mine are shy of 400. His infamy is just short of 300 and mine is above 700. So who is the better player? And why?
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Infamy is far more important than kills and the closest measure of skill in this game.
    You can just keep infamy at 100 and wreck the new players for easy kills, they are a worthless stat to be honest :)
    Glad you are enjoying the game!

    Plus it will be much harder for you to gain kills at 700 infamy compared to him at 300!
  3. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I'm gonna say infamy. Although it is important to finish off your opponents, it's not important who gets the finishing blow, and often I hit someone as hard as I can and tell my team to finish them off for me. This is especially true for support players.
    kusura bakmayin likes this.
  4. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Infamy is the better marker

    I have 5700 battles done and 1100 kills giving me an average kill of 0.2 per battle. (Hurray for fixer stats)
    I am at 4.1k infamy too.
    kusura bakmayin and Ash KOT like this.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Kills are more relevant to Shooter, as Fixers can't be judged by kills. I've only seen such huge infamy swings, as much as 30% of overall infamy so I'm not sure I'd even consider it accurate. However, my kill rate has been rock solid throughout the infamy swings, so I might even argue kill rate is a better indicator.
    craz¥burd likes this.
  6. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Neither means anything. If I had to pick I'd choose infamy.
    • Kills: This is a team sport. What, exactly, does "kills" show other than you have the right boat type and play style to be the finisher. It's a useful function but that's it.
    • Infamy: This would be the right answer but the infamy system is so horribly screwed up right now that it's a mistake to assume it means anything. Even worse, if you two try to compete on that basis you will end up pushing your infamy as high as you can. I've done that several times and each time the game graphically pointed out to me how stupid that was.
    Note that infamy may begin to mean something as you approach 1500. It certainly seems to me like the random crap that is a constant feature below 1200 starts to tail off. You see teams actually trying to win and match-ups that are not utterly insane. Views from higher level players don't really give me a lot of encouragement on that topic though.

    I think it's a mistake to treat Battle Bay like a competitive game. It's not designed or balanced well enough for that. I just treat it as a fun little "pot the toy boats" shooter.
    Da Carronade King likes this.
  7. Da Carronade King

    Da Carronade King Well-Known Member

    7 Jan 2018
    A world unknown
    Trust me,,, u are going to burn out and end up like me, getting lots of kills but not getting any more infamy.
    Unfortunately after the update my mk4 fixer is getting put against mk6s even at 1500 infamy.
  8. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Hence my advice to not treat Battle Bay as a serious competitive shooter. The texture of the matches just doesn't allow for that. I enjoy the actual combat part of Battle Bay so long as I keep my infamy under tight control. The moment I start caring about winning and losing I start caring about the match making and... well.... LOL.
    kusura bakmayin likes this.
  9. kusura bakmayin

    kusura bakmayin Member

    10 Jan 2018
    Yeah, it's a good idea to focus on anything else: weekly/guild quests, achievements, getting enough gold/sugar to buy items in the shop and upgrade. I jumped 300 infamy yesterday and the climb stopped as soon as I noticed that it had happened.
  10. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Infamy is more important. Kills actually don’t mean much, as (like win%) they are somewhat moderated by the difficulty of your opponents.

    Kills per game tends to start off high, and then average down to around 0.7, most players end up between 0.7-0.8 after a few thousand games. Fixers might be a little lower.

    There are a few top players that have kill rates above 1, but that’s mainly because thier opponents can’t get any harder, so the correcting force is no longer present.
  11. yellow flash

    yellow flash Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Yup it goes without saying that infamy is the one that matters kills are the least bit of concern as the kills depend on various factors like ur ship ,weapons , hp of ur opponent and it dosnt require skills it requires timing if u shoot someone of very low hp u will register a kill whereas infamy requires one important thing and that is skills so it goes without saying that infamy is what matters not kills
  12. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    ... it's a combination of kills, infamy, damage, healing, and weapons.
    Although if I had to choose between the two, infamy
    I would say to just have fun... but too cliched

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