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Kill the fixer = Victory. An ode to flanking. New video!

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by FirnenAhead, 22 Aug 2018.

  1. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Hey, guys. It's been a while since I uploaded the last video. I hadn't had any time to edit in between events, and I was kind of disencouraged to do it because of the low audience :(

    However, I may be back with the videos of my precious Enfo. This time with my greatest in-game hobby: flanking and killing the fixer. In most matches that just a team has a fixer, sinking it leads to a victory. Sometimes a sacrifice is needed (kamikaze attack), but in these cases I manage to survive the entire match. Flanking takes a lot of patience and you guys need to be aware of the enemy's moves and their line of sight, it's wise to come close to them but stay hidden until they start receiving heavy damage and they're focused on counterattacking your allies ;)

    This is material I started saving up the day I decided to create a Youtube channel, so it's not that fresh... I promise I will start editing material from higher ranked matches once I use the material I had saved (which is very nice).

    I'd like to add text to the vids, but I haven't found out how to. I edit in Adobe Premiere, any advice would be much appreciated :rolleyes:

    P.S: @The Grim Repair @Zeus It would be nice to have an exclusive section in forum for youtubers, so that this kind of threads don't get lost and we get more audience. I think youtubers are great for the game (and for the company:p)
  2. wcc634

    wcc634 Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Great job again. Really fun to watch (and listen to!). Question: carronades wreak havoc with yellow boats in Swift's talent tree, conflicting with three general speed/agility boosts, as well as both overboost and nitro in several places. Further, there are a couple of direct overboost-nitro conflicts as well. And you use all of these things! How do you sort them out? Which are your priorities?
  3. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Hence I've been for a while in Nightmare and most people have high captain level and powerful gears, the damage of the carronade is the priority, otherwise their defense would make my Carronade too weak. I was lucky I was able to get duplicates for T5 a couple months ago. I was also lucky that I could upgrade my epic Turbo to T5 so I can't regret any speed training that I missed because of the Carronade buffs (I'm at cap speed in my Enfo even with 2 HP perks in the Turbo). However, Carro range trainings seem worthless for me, so I have missed them when necessary (I'm not sure if they're 2 talents or only 1). The choice between Nitro and OB doesn't seem game-changing, so I think mine's 1 to 1 (but i'm not sure either). It's also very significant to have Nitro in Epic T4, so I can equip 4 cd perks and use it almost every time I need it.

    I think the most difficult choice, a couple months ago and even nowaday, is between the first "Slow Turrent Agility" talent and 5% damage talent. I've chosen the debuff because I think it helps to avoid enemy's aim in close combat. I've seen lots of Carro users without that talent tough...

    PS: Your replies are very much appreciated :D
  4. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    I heard that at mk 7 with training an enforcer doesn't need a turbo and can still be fast. Don't know for sure though, I'm not mk 7 :p
    wcc634 likes this.
  5. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    It's true, at Mk7 Enfos can be fast just relying on base speed, talent buffs and Overboost. However, I haven't seen a single heavy Enfo (Big shield + Bandage/StdShield) with a Carronade equipped. The conflict of talents would be a great disadvantage in that setup.

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