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Is this game right balanced ?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by xbabounex, 18 Dec 2017.

  1. xbabounex

    xbabounex Member

    15 Nov 2017

    Losing games after game, from 1460 infamy down to 920, I wonder if this game is well balanced ? It's very very less than 50/50.
    Waiting for ages for weapons to upgrade my favorite equipment, I quite sure I have to buy pearls to get one. Lotery gives you very low chances.
    Something is turning wrong in BB engine. And at last, this game is not fair, definitively.
  2. tonberryking98

    tonberryking98 Active Member

    15 Nov 2017
    So the game is unfair because it doesnt hand-feed u all the weapons u want. All having stronger weapons would do is raise ur average, and what comes after? You will likely return to the 50% winrate
    Rinse & Repeat likes this.
  3. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    I notice that whenever I start losing battles I get angry which causes me to make poor battle decisions... Whenever I see myself going on a losing streak I put the game down or stop battling...
    Yup you don't always get what you want... but if you keep playing you'll eventually get the item(s) you want...
    What do you mean by "turning wrong in BB engine" please explain more... this game is fair, optimization- who ever optimizes(makes the best of what is given) is going to do best in battle bay- Survival of the Fittest
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    By my reckoning, your ‘average’ infamy (as in the infamy you belong at) is usually about 300 below your best (not counting recent upgrades).

    So if your best is 1800, then you probably belong at 1500, and that time you got up to 1800, was just a bit of luck, and you getting carried.

    Unfortunately, most people don’t see it that way. They’ve reached 1800 once, now they think they’re an 1800 player... yet they’re down at 1725, trying to get back, and they just keep losing more. This is when they start to wonder why their match-ups are so hard, and cry ‘unfair’.

    They are hard because even at 1600 (in this hypothetical) you’re actually overrated, and you probably will lose more than 50%, until you either return to 1500 (where you belong), or you upgrade your equipment, and push your average up.
  5. xbabounex

    xbabounex Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Thx for yours contributions.

    After +4.000 battles, shooter mk5 with good weapons, and good skills, I'm sticked between 800 and 1600 infamy. This game is not based on your skills. But on your chance. Chance to pick up good team mates, good response time, good network and god BBay server. Too many external elements....
    It s too long to climb the ladder. Too often dispointed.
  6. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    It is based on your skills.
    Equipment is a major factor but then you said yourself you have good weapons and an mk5 shooter.
    USS_ironsides and Spinners71 like this.
  7. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Have you ever tried another boat? Maybe your playstyle fits better a speeder or a defender... I've played 11.000 battles and noticed that when I play fine, we win most battles, and when I don't, we lose most of them.
    And playing well is not necessarily to delivery damage and to sink your foes, sometimes the player who the stat sheet shows as being the best after the battle was actually the one who made choices that costed the victory.
    The balance is not perfect yet, but is definitely good and improving.
  8. xbabounex

    xbabounex Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Sorry but the game is bot based on our skills. My opinion. Let me explain.
    Due to the auto team building you have 50/50 to be in the winning team because of a teammate or a foe not playing well or afk. Only one bad player out of 5 is impossible to balance. So we have win ratio around 50 in our stats.
    The issue is on the infamy points you get or you lose. Always the same points whatever you did a very good match or a bad one. Whatever you were the first or the second in your team, or the the last of the five.
    Conclusion the infamy level is corelated to the 50/50 of the team building.
    Simple '..
  9. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017

    ^^^^and this

    Think of your Infamy as a range. Your high is probably not where you truly belong. Your low is not really how bad you are. Your true infamy is probably somewhere in between. On another thread, I pointed out the tendency for frustrated players on a losing streak to play angry or desperate. You're more likely to take risks, make mistakes, or just give up if you see bad teammates or floaters. Which will cause you to lose more. If you're in the middle of a win streak and you're mood is good, you'll be more likely to play smarter and not take unnecessary risks. My initial observation after the new matching system, was that it caused things to be extremely streaky. I was going on 8-2 and 9-1 runs, sometimes I was going on runs of 0-10. What I discovered was that if I took a break after three straight losses and came back to play later, I found myself back on track. I haven't been hitting bad losing streaks anymore. It also helps to find other players that your play style meshes with and fleet with them.
  10. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    I am special i keep on playing when i lose but my highest infamy is only 50 above my average as i just cant progress much higher than average infamy
  11. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I think you're choosing to believe in the easiest way to think: that the game does its magic to hold good players in low infamy.
    If that thought helps you to calm your mind, okay, stick with it :D but If you want to understand why we lose some and win some, start to think that there are real people on both sides, and the sum of their efficiency compose the victory or the lose... You can make an imaginary inaccurate formula
    Team A. Team B
    1e + 1,2e + 0e + 1,1e + 3e > 1,1e + 1e + 2e + 1e + 1,1e
    I'm not good with Math, but that's the way I see the battles
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  12. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Im sorry to burst your bubble, but you dont have good skills if you cant bring a mk5 infamy above that infamy. Focus on what you can improve (yourself), rather than blaiming factors you cant control.
    Aamos, LimeOnMars, Kalbs and 2 others like this.
  13. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Yes, sometimes you'll have a mismatched team, or run into the random cowboy that goes straight for the quickest suicide possible.
    But, these factors affect everyone, and over the course of 4000 battles it will all even out.

    Thing is, the only consistent factor in our games over time is.. ourselves.. :)
    And luckily, that's also one of the few factor we can change.

    There are mk5s with good weapons both at 500 inf and at 4500 inf (and anywhere in between).
    I don't think its lucky team mates who seperate the 500 and the 4500 inf player.

    Mind posting your setup, maybe we can offer some insight or tips?
  14. xbabounex

    xbabounex Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Some people adviced me to enhance my gameplay, or to stop playing when I start to loose. Few others think I'm a frustated crying player. Thx to all. But my thoughts are quite more simple : this game can't show your individual skills and strategy because it's based on a random team building system with very low players number 5 vs 5. Then your own gameplay depends on system choice first.
  15. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    I can assure you there is room to express your individual skill within the confines of the game. :)
    Here's a few notable examples, there are many many more (and at all inf ranges), these were just the first that came to mind:
    • @Jumppanen - Surgeon with the speeder, extreme boat control and battle sense. Over half of his items are rares, and his boat "only" a mk6. Still he manages top 10 global, season after season (currently at top 4).
    • @Flynndawg - Fixer, stay close and he got your back. Really good at predicting who will take a hit next, you'll often see him drop a box near someone way before they themselves realise they're about to get hit hard. I've had him kite superior forces with me, continuously rotating who takes the hit based who had the lowest health.
    • @BITTERSTEEL - Kinda has a legendary status for being the guy with all rares in nightmare way back. He's got really good aim, you can also see he doesn't mind holding his shot instead of wasting it (like many people do). Having all high tier legendaries doesn't help if you can't land the shot, you'll be outgunned by the dude with the rares who consistently hits his mark.
    • Psyko(?) - mk4 in nightmare, sure, he could have upgraded to mk5 many levels back, and he got some good guns - but he's really patient, got good aim and good battle sense. I havn't played with him much, but the first time I mistakenly discarded him as easy pickings and got proved wrong.
    And.. I know of more than one top player who has started a mini just for fun, and taken it past 1500 inf using a mk1 :)

    There is however one skill that this game favour over all others, that's your ability to cooperate with your team. Your individual performance (usually) doesn't matter at all if you go all solo. I think this is a common skill all the players I mentioned above possess. :)
    Example: you can pull of a 2 star loss, with extremely high damage by kiting a fixer team using a all mortar shooter - but it doesn't matter - because you went your own way and didn't support your other 4 team mates who got destroyed by superior local firepower.

    Don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to belittle you as a player, or call you a "frustrated crying playing", I'm just trying to say there is a way :)
    And if you want help, there's plenty of people why would love to offer constructive advice on setup and/or gameplay (ex: if you post your setup or a few videos of gameplay).
    Last edited: 21 Dec 2017
  16. xbabounex

    xbabounex Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Thx Capt Obvious for your constructive explainations. You give me an hope.
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Talk to me. What is a setup? What guns do you run? Screenshot your inventory. Mk5 shooters are very powerful in the right hands, mate. And of course, screenshot the end result of a battle for me.
  18. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    No it’s not. You are at the mercy of nine other people every single game... therefore you have ten percent control over the outcome.
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Numerically, yes. In practice, not so much. Though most of the time, what you said applies. You can end up with some great teams. But you can also join a bunch of babies.
  20. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Numerically it's like i described above, the only consistent factor in all your game is - you :)
    We play thousands of games, by the law of large numbers - the bad teams, and the good teams will all even out, what remains is your performance.
    Play 500 games with a bad team, and 500 games with a good team in the end your measly 10% will drive your infamy. :)

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