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Is there a way to get an empty server from the Devs?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Ultrah, 17 Aug 2017.

  1. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
    @Miika @Zeus @anyoneelseworkingonthegame

    Was wondering if it's possible to get an empty server so I can try out new weapons for my MK4 Fixer. I find it hard to do it in game due to my significant role as the team Fixer.

    I'd like to know, thanks!
  2. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    A "practice range" or "bot only" or similar thing has been on the request list for a while; I don't think they're going to pop up a new EC2/Azure instance just for you. ;)

    What's the consideration between new weapons? Fixer you generally want something with "burst" - high damage, high cooldown - because most of your time is spent on the Green items. Or you can play the AoE/area denial game with Firebomb/Napalm.
  3. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Doubt it, but don't worry, fixer is probably one of the safest ways of trying out new weapons.
    I really don't care if a fixer gets even 0 dmg as long as he provided the healing we needed.
    It's much worse for the team if a primary damage dealer experiments with lvl 1 pea shooter guns - especially if he has limited red slots (like def, enf, speeder).
    Ultrah likes this.

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