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Is There A Difference In Rewards For New Players & Advanced Players?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Jamel H., 26 Aug 2018.

  1. Jamel H.

    Jamel H. Active Member

    29 Oct 2017
    After playing 30 thousand matches and building all items up to epic and legendary, I notice long periods of stagnation between item upgrades. For example, I've been stuck with level 4 epics for months and I'm sure I will be stuck with level 1 legendary items for even longer, but that's okay for legendary items. I've been playing Battle Bay for about a year and 4 months and still I've never received the 5th and 6th epic big armor to upgrade to tier 5. Same for turbo too. One year and 4 months seems like a long time to wait for items.

    Also, once a person reaches Ace 1 league, it's highly unlikely that we will be leveling up uncommon & common items in hopes of reaching Nightmare league. With that being said, I have nearly 20k in common power cells that I have entirely no use for and the number keeps growing. Meanwhile, I have a collection of epic items that I can't upgrade because I only have 37 epic power cells. Even more, I only seem to earn 2 or 3 epic cells each week with daily play. It almost feels like the app is working against me at this point. Does it really make since to reward me with tons of common and uncommon power cells when players in Masters III league are mostly using rare, epic and some legendary items?

    Perhaps a change can be made that allows people to swap so many uncommon and common power cells for epic and legendary power cells (100 common power cells for 3 epic power cells). If not, perhaps a change can be made that allows us to use gold or sugar, or the combination of both to purchase epic & legendary power cells in the market.

    This is just a thought. However, imagine what it must be like to know that it will take at least a month or more to earn 20 or 30 more epic power cells just to upgrade 1 item.

    The reduction of gold earned after regular matches doesn't go unnoticed either. This is an awesome game, but it feels like the grind is just overwhelming at times. My desire to play the game is not as strong as it once was, because I know it's highly unlikely that I will receive the things that I've already been waiting months for.

    Thanks for any consideration or possible responses.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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