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Is the RNG really Random?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rhummy, 31 Dec 2018.

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  1. Rhummy

    Rhummy Member

    22 Feb 2018
    Mod - Locked, duplicate thread.

    Hello my Battle Bay friends,

    Do you all think the RNG is really random in this game. Honestly I just don't feel like it is. I have been pkzyimg for neearly 3 years znd have almozt 20,000 battles plzyed. I am still waktimg to get to t4 epic sniper......and have been waiting about 2 years to complete an epic t5 long mortar. Not to mention that I also do not have a t5 explosive cannon....When I combine epic red parts i feel lke I always get napalm mortar or flaregun!
    On top of that it seems like forever since I have recieved a Legendary Part. Since new updates I have an extremely hard time increasimg infamy now, so don't really think i will finish top 3 in ace 2 div...and there is no way to get them other than through the raffle I am feelimg a discouraged. Is there any way I can feel better about this game? Is there a way to buy legenadary parts?

    Thanks for any replies my fellow battle bay grinders.

    Last edited by a moderator: 2 Jan 2019
    Su-57 likes this.
  2. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    and now they want us to have minimum two ships ready for infamy battles . i think they should change the system because we are not getting items as we need and powercells are not in our hands . i mean i have some rare items which i can lvl up but i don't have enough powercells . they should give us option to choose which item we want when evolve ten pieces , they can keep boxes random . and they should either remove powercells or make only standard power cell option for all items as we have tones of tone common powercells .they can also sell them in shop for gold which can also help . but these changes are needed if they want us to have two ships ready for battles .
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