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Is the Flare Gun Useful

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kaletheshavage, 4 Jun 2017.

  1. Kaletheshavage

    Kaletheshavage Member

    16 May 2017
    Right now i am an mk3 shooter, and just made an epic flare gun. I am not very high, around the 1k infamy level. Will the flare gun be useful in the future, or should i just scrap it?
    JustinBeaver likes this.
  2. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    if you dont want it, I'll take it. not sure how good it is on a shooter though. better safe than sorry.
  3. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    Yes flare gun is fantastic later on, stops healing, makes cannons do more damage to that person, that thing is evil.

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