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is it the battles manipulated ?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Adam Freeman, 9 May 2018.

  1. Adam Freeman

    Adam Freeman Member

    25 Mar 2018
    Pour moi, c'est absolument et de plusieurs façons. et ça nous fait gagner comme des Champions et perdre comme des noobs. par exemple l'équipe qui est conçue pour gagner tous ses coups sera plus puissante et plus rapide et si les tirs du canon et des torpilles passent sans toucher ils infligent des dégâts comme si c'était au milieu et le mortier serait plus rapide et si ils vous toucheront à peine, ils vous infligeront beaucoup de dégâts et ils auront plus de chances de coup critique ..., contrairement à l'équipe adverse qu'ils sont programmés pour perdre ils seront pulvérisés facilement comme s'ils n'étaient pas du même niveau, il y a des joueurs qui sont moins talentueux et efficaces que moi mais ils m'ont dépassé et ils sont maintenant dans les environ 3500 - 3800 infamies malgré qu'ils aient joué un tiers ou un quart de ce que j'ai fait. et moi, ils m'ont coincé entre 2600 et 2800. sans parler des amis qu'ils ne veulent pas avoir flotté avec moi encore. ou il y a un gars parmi les développeurs qu'il me déteste et il me fait ces choses minable ou le jeu est programmé pour manipuler les batailles, et tout cela est très dégoûtant et décevant . et à vrai dire , si ce n'est pas des amis ça fait longtemps que je l'ai désinstallé Mais si vous m'empêchez de jouer avec des amis, je n'aurais pas une raison pour quitter le jeu même si le jeu est génial mais je n'aime pas la tricherie et l'injustic .
    J'ai écrit plusieurs fois à l'équipe de soutien de battle bay pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes depuis longtemps et la dernière fois ils m'ont dit si je voulais parler directement aux développeurs, je devais rejoindre le forum. mais j'ai eu des réponses que de la part des gentils bienfaiteurs joueurs avec peut-être c'est de la malchance, peut-être ceci ou cela, mais j'ai besoin de réponses précises

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    Last edited: 9 May 2018
    SeaFlapFlap and StrictSalmon307 like this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    [QUOTE = "Adam Freeman, post: 133308, member: 18050"] For me, it's absolutely and in many ways. and that makes us win like Champions and lose like noobs. for example the team that is designed to win all its shots will be more powerful and faster and if the shots of the barrel and torpedoes pass without touching they inflict damage as if it were in the middle and the mortar would be faster and if they will barely touch you, they will inflict a lot of damage on you and they will have more chances of critical hit ... unlike the opposing team they are programmed to lose they will be sprayed easily as if they were not the same level, there are players who are less talented and effective than me but they have gone over and they are now in about 3500 - 3800 infamies despite playing a third or a quarter of what I did. and me, they stuck me between 2600 and 2800. not to mention the friends they do not want to have floated with me yet. or there is a guy among the developers that he hates me and he makes me those lousy things or the game is programmed to handle the battles, and all this is very disgusting and disappointing. and actually, if it's not friends it's been a long time since I uninstalled it But if you prevent me from playing with friends, I would not have a reason to leave the game even if the game is great but I do not like cheating and injustice. have stuck between 2600 and 2800. not to mention friends they do not want to have floated with me yet. or there is a guy among the developers that he hates me and he makes me those lousy things or the game is programmed to handle the battles, and all this is very disgusting and disappointing. and actually, if it's not friends it's been a long time since I uninstalled it But if you prevent me from playing with friends, I would not have a reason to leave the game even if the game is great but I do not like cheating and injustice. have stuck between 2600 and 2800. not to mention friends they do not want to have floated with me yet. or there is a guy among the developers that he hates me and he makes me those lousy things or the game is programmed to handle the battles, and all this is very disgusting and disappointing. and actually, if it's not friends it's been a long time since I uninstalled it But if you prevent me from playing with friends, I would not have a reason to leave the game even if the game is great but I do not like cheating and injustice. and all this is very disgusting and disappointing. and actually, if it's not friends it's been a long time since I uninstalled it But if you prevent me from playing with friends, I would not have a reason to leave the game even if the game is great but I do not like cheating and injustice. and all this is very disgusting and disappointing. and actually, if it's not friends it's been a long time since I uninstalled it But if you prevent me from playing with friends, I would not have a reason to leave the game even if the game is great but I do not like cheating and injustice.
    I have written several times to the battle bay support team to find solutions to the problems for a long time and the last time they told me if i wanted to talk directly to the developers, i had to join the forum. but I got some answers from the kind benefactors with maybe that's bad luck, maybe this or that, but I need specific answers [/ QUOTE]
    1. English please, the forum is the place where multiple communities meet, so I'd advise you to speak in English.

    2. No, win / loss is not manipulated in any way, and it would be impossible to do so as well
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  3. Adam Freeman

    Adam Freeman Member

    25 Mar 2018
    1. Firstly, I'm sorry but I wrote it in English and I do not know how it was translated into French, but I will rewrite it in English.
    2. and for your answer I want to know, are you a developer? Or it is only an opinion
  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I'm not a dev, however the question you have asked has been asked multiple times before, and has received answers by devs like @Miika and @Zeus. I thought I'd point it out for them... Feel free to ask me anything related to this, but this is official from the devs: Matchmaking is not regulated in that manner. Rather, it tries to hinder losing streaks as much as possible.
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think any notion that games were being manipulated, went out the window when custom games were introduced.

    There is no matchmaking involved, and no reason for manipulation to occur in custom games, yet all the same crazy random stuff still happens.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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