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IPhone X screen size post update

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by SgtSwamp, 15 Nov 2017.

  1. SgtSwamp

    SgtSwamp Member

    15 Nov 2017
    So the resolution fix for the iPhone X is pretty awful. I understand that it needed adjustments, but by no means is making the playing area smaller than my 6s a fix. All I did on my X is turn the bump on the screen to the right so all my buttons where useable on the left. The big screen was a blast to play with. Now with this tiny screen my fingers keep moving off the playing area and I become a sitting ship. I love this game and it is barely enjoyable at the moment. Are there any plans to increase the screen size again with an improved layout?
    Aris and Giga like this.
  2. Giga

    Giga New Member

    16 Nov 2017
    I was very happy with the screen on iPhone X. I too just flipped the screen to see the chat buttons. I loved the full use of the screen. I thought it was the best thing ever! Sure it could use a little adjustment. But now... now the game is “Battle Thumbs” with a mini game of boats in the background. I have yet to control my boat or aiming with any Precision. It actually makes me feel sad oddly. Feelings of not even bothering to play. I had to cancel my sub unfortunately. But no worries, as soon as I get my screen back to full, it will be reinstated! Just give me the full screen option. I’m not lazy, I can flip my phone around no problem!
    Aris likes this.
  3. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    This is how the display on iPhone X works. There are two modes for applications: Fully supported and legacy mode. Previously due to a bug iOS thought Battle Bay was fully supporting iPhone X and used the whole screen. Clearly this was not the case and intentional as the notch was blocking major regions of the UI. Now the game is properly in legacy mode.

    Support for iPhone X will be improved in the future. But because this requires some major UI redesign and implementation effort those changes are not likely to come soon.
  4. Aris

    Aris New Member

    16 Nov 2017
    I also liked the screen on the iPhone X before the update. Now it’s so small I can barely even see. And the phone can be flipped so the those important regions can be accessed. I had no issues whatsoever ever before the update. Now everything is tiny and resolution sucks . Sad as I was looking forward to the full screen experience that was killed with this new update
  5. Aris

    Aris New Member

    16 Nov 2017
    Is there any way to go back to the old size
  6. SgtSwamp

    SgtSwamp Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Soooo can you put the iOS bug back in place?? It was clearly the better of the two. Not perfect, but definitely better...because it was playable. Now I’m developing a large thumb disorder.
    Aris likes this.

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