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Ipega B/T joystick controller on Battle Bay

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by MANTONIO, 17 Mar 2018.


    MANTONIO New Member

    28 Jul 2017
    Hi All,
    I've been playing Battle Bay on my android 10" Tablet for quite some time. Satisfied with the viewing experience but not in the weight of the tab. So i'm considering a joystick controller. Been searching for a post related, but not giving me the aswer that I want. So I post a new one now.
    Does anyone own ipega B/T controller or any brands that works on Battle Bay?
    Also please share how to keymapping
    Someone use B/T controller on youtube but he diabled the comment section so i cant ask him directly.

    Best regards
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2018
    Rainbow Warrior and Riddlerpaji like this.

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