Sorry, but it seems your are wrong...
That is because the sum of all damage done as a team is greater in the unfriend side. It is as simple as that...
Some weeks ago I fought this fight, were I gain more DP as the unfriend team together. Fight with a brave little Fixer, as last men standing.
I'm not sulk about that. I play BB now for more than a year and I love it.
I saw a lot of developments, there is a high complexity weapon and talents system, tiny and funny little graphic and a lot of more stuff I like.
But the infamy system is just ungainly.
To stay with the example basketball, the team is winning as a team. But a player who is not helpful, will be sitting on the reserve bank next match.
I think there could be a better system, a little more fair to the personal skills and to those players who's engaging to their team.
As example, we all know the "First Down Speeder", hunting into the game, gain approximatel 800 DP and sink after 30 seconds.
Why must he get the same infamy as the leftover player? Infamy should be gained in a same complexity system as for example Demage.
I think Battle Bay has a better infamy system earned!