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Insane Infamy Result - Tell Me Why!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Cyberfisch, 18 May 2017.

  1. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Tell me why!

    This result seems to be insane!
    I destroyed two enemy ships, gain more DP than all of my teammates together, stand as last man around two minutes against three and make a draw!


    The German translation for infamy is 'Ruchlosigkeit', but there is another expression for: shame!
    @Zeus @mika and all other devs

    I knew your opinion in discussions about infamy on this forum and I agree with you that BB is a team game, but


    You have to look at and fix it.

    Battle Bay loving Cyberfisch

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  2. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    That is because the sum of all damage done as a team is greater in the unfriend side. It is as simple as that...
  3. Perswayable

    Perswayable Member

    18 May 2017
    ^To lose an infamy point for a draw is questionable. His skill is the reason the other team did not win or secure the objective which required a certain amount of player judgment. He should be rewarded and not punished.
  4. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    It is not a one man game, the effort of all team is taked into account, ergo if as a team the unfrends performed better, they all get the +1. If you get the -1 is because you are being punished, but as a team, meaning the whole team could have done a much better job.
  5. Cyberfisch

    Cyberfisch Active Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Sorry, but it seems your are wrong...
    That is because the sum of all damage done as a team is greater in the unfriend side. It is as simple as that...
    Some weeks ago I fought this fight, were I gain more DP as the unfriend team together. Fight with a brave little Fixer, as last men standing.

    I'm not sulk about that. I play BB now for more than a year and I love it.
    I saw a lot of developments, there is a high complexity weapon and talents system, tiny and funny little graphic and a lot of more stuff I like.
    But the infamy system is just ungainly.
    To stay with the example basketball, the team is winning as a team. But a player who is not helpful, will be sitting on the reserve bank next match.
    I think there could be a better system, a little more fair to the personal skills and to those players who's engaging to their team.
    As example, we all know the "First Down Speeder", hunting into the game, gain approximatel 800 DP and sink after 30 seconds.
    Why must he get the same infamy as the leftover player? Infamy should be gained in a same complexity system as for example Demage.
    I think Battle Bay has a better infamy system earned!

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  6. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    Probably because the unfriendly fixer heal + other unfriendly damage > all of your teams output.

    He obviously did work if you had to do 10k and still not win. Meaning he probably healed more than your damage output

    Also it cliche but no game is perfect, it impossibly hard to program a system that can distinguish a speeder who gave his life so his team could open fire and ultimately made his/her team win vs a speeder who gave his/her life while his/her team did nothing because they play like a wuss vs a speeder who did literally just suicide.

    All 3 the speeder dies in pretty much the exact same scenario among hundreds but he could look like a hero or a scrub. It's that factor that makes programming a system you are suggesting hard. Again this is just one scenario.

    A player doesn't get points for zoning out the enemy with mines or napalm. He/she did no damage but did contribute is another scenario. This is impossible (for me at least) to logically program.
    Last edited: 18 May 2017
    Mr squiqqle and Helius Maximus like this.
  7. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I agree with your reasoning here and want to ask the OP this one question... Is ONE infamy point really that big a deal. Just because us mere players don't understand how the system decides who gets +1 and who gets -1 is it a deal breaker? Are we going to quit over this? Is that being a poor looser? Let's shrug our shoulders, laugh it of and play another 3-5 minute game. After all, we're not playing for sheep stations here. It's a free game with no real life payout at the end. So maybe we all need to try enjoying it for what it is.. a game...
  8. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I m not sure there is any reasoning behind the +-1 on draws. Look at this tie. We have a 3-1 advantage at the end despite overcomming a floater on our team. Sure their team did more damage but guess who had to heal it? btw, as in another thread complaining the support speeder on our team got cheated out of a star because he was key with his timely stuns.

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  9. Perswayable

    Perswayable Member

    18 May 2017
    Hence how we can change it.

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