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Infamy cap in relation to level

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by J3ckles, 5 Mar 2018.

  1. J3ckles

    J3ckles New Member

    5 Mar 2018
    An infamy cap that correlates with level would be extremely helpful. It's pretty lame as a level 14 to ride to an infamy level of 1k+.
  2. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Right problem, wrong answer. They already tried this once with their seal clubbing rule and it failed spectacularly.

    The way they need to address this is by making rewards (ALL rewards) scale with infamy. So if some M5 level 31 captain wants to fight at 1k infamy he can. He'll also enjoy his stead rain of common stuff with the smattering of uncommon.... from everywhere... guild quests, shop, battle rewards, scrapping, etc. The problem is that there are HUGE incentives to tank (play lower than you are able) in Battle Bay so people are going to do it no matter what rules Rovio makes.

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