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Inamy is SUCK for matchmaking!!1!1

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Destruktorishe, 15 Jul 2018.

  1. Destruktorishe

    Destruktorishe New Member

    15 Jul 2018
    Hi all! My problem is that I as a new player faced that offen in my and enemy team ships are on 1 or 2 and even 3 mk higer than me. Right now I on mk 4 and prety offen I fight against mk6 ships with infamy 1k and less. I want to say that there is no joe plaing against ships that can twoshot me and even when I win I on bottom because my taemmates have epik and even legendary cannons against my rares.
    And second issiue that I noticed is when you level up damage with crue ship streght is not growing, wich meens that my blast cannon with third evolution will do less damage then same enemy blast cannon just because his level of crue is higer but ship streght can be same.
    Thank you for attention, hope for resonable anwsers.
    -SUICIDE- and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  2. ShipCrusherCz

    ShipCrusherCz Well-Known Member

    10 Feb 2018
    Does it really matter?
    what's your infamy?
    btw this is nothing new:
    1FR3dEj.png lPCEG3c.png
    when I created my forum account
    Screenshot_20180710-184201.png Screenshot_20180710-182211.png
    any difference? nope, am I still triggered? not so much because these players are usually noobs so it's possible for me to defeat them (it hurts when they hit me but it hurts them more when they don't have cover because I can lead my shots much better than they usually can)
    what can we do? two options:
    • leave the game (not recommended if you want to return after some time because you the gap between yours and their items will be even bigger)
    • just grind till your gear is strong enough to move to higher infamy where it's clear of these players (at least from majority of them)
  3. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    That’s a known problem that’s still being fixed. For now I guess you can either try to out-skill (is that a word?) the enemy or just play events.
    YerJokinArnYer and ShipCrusherCz like this.
  4. Destruktorishe

    Destruktorishe New Member

    15 Jul 2018
    Right now my infamy is 1.2k but can drop to 800 and get back to 1.2k and I just cant get to higer leage to get blue parts reward and it really slowing my progression. Yeah I do out-skill some of enemies and I'll not give up and keep on grinding. But I dont think than all players would like to suffer that much, this game is harsh for newbies.
    Just hope developers will do something with this, but when they will (if they will) I think I dont need it :) but to other might help.
  5. Thomas Summerbell

    Thomas Summerbell New Member

    17 Jul 2018
    When new players ,who pay, stop signing in and renounce thier membership. This will effect Rovio's income from Battle Bay. Thus, changes will happen. I understand the issue with play versus higher mk[platforms].

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    Last edited: 18 Jul 2018

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