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  2. Hey please check out our new forum Suggestions and Ideas found in the area "The Bay" - as we love all your ideas and want to collect them in one place, - please use it going forward. :) Thanks already for helping to make Battle Bay an even better experience. Remember: If your idea already exists - simply add your comment or like to an existing one so we avoid duplicates.
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I want to report something - how do I do it?

Discussion in 'FAQs & Guides' started by Bennunator, 5 Apr 2017.

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  1. Bennunator

    Bennunator Moderator

    3 Apr 2017
    If you need specific help or want to report an issue with Battle Bay, please contact our support team at https://support.rovio.com

    We provide support in the following languages:

    Chinese (中文)
    Finnish (Suomi)
    French (Français)
    German (Deutsch)
    Italian (Italiano)
    Japanese (日本語)
    Korean (한국어)
    Portuguese (Português)
    Russian (Русский)
    Spanish (Español)
    SJCA, Dobson and Yara like this.
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