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I have the worst luck with teams

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Mamamyers, 26 May 2017.

  1. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    I swear I get with the worst teams.. When I fleet with my boyfriend when he gets home later we kill people.. I'll be up to 1k infamy.. And then during the day when I'm alone I get with these teams who die almost instantly or hide or run into walls the whole time.. And lose all day.. I'm usually the last person in a match against 5 and end up with scores 2000-3000 but what's it matter when I lose lol by the time my man gets home I go from 900 to 400 it's like wtf what are you people doing lol
    Crack Efron likes this.
  2. Crack Efron

    Crack Efron Member

    13 May 2017
    Same here, I'm stuck at 2500. I do 5-20k damage per game with at least 1 kill and usually 2-3 but my team does below 8k damage combined! I don't get it, maybe just bad luck. While my skills and items improved I dropped from 58% to 54% in the past week...
    TheFixer27 likes this.

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