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I have questions: Community and You - Fair play battle

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Spinners71, 5 Mar 2018.

  1. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    @The Grim Repair

    Thank you for your post titled 'Community and You - Fair play battle'.
    You wrote:
    With this we want to call out that, going forward, any individual or guild who will in any way not play to the best of their abilities or is found to systematically play the system - will get suspended from the game.

    I just have a few questions:

    1. Can you please also post this in the 'Rules' section of the Forum?

    2. Will there be "warnings" given? I would imagine there are possibilities for "gray area", misinterpretation of motives, legitimate bad-skills, and maybe just or a higher level misunderstanding that their behavior isn't quite what is expected of them. I think a warning system with some sort of explanatory communications would go a long way toward making this endeavor to feel more like a constructive conversation between Rovio and potential offending players, and less like a blood-thirsty mob targeting players in a witch hunt.

    3. Can you please explain what it would look like for a GUILD to not be playing to the "best of their abilities"? It seems to me that this would be incredibly hard to decipher. So difficult, that I simply cannot imagine what you can mean by this... All of the examples later in your post seem to be individual-level offenses. What are GUILDS expected (or not expected) to do? The more specific, the better, as I don't want my guild to accidentally break the rules because we simply just don't understand. (For example: our guild will be taking periodic weeks off from the Rivalries. In the new guild-matching system this may actually turn out to be a benefit for us in terms of tokens gained over time, but also it may not. We discussed it, and we decided we care less about the tokens, and more about how good it feels to take a week off here and there, but then come back refreshed and ready to dominate the next rivalry. Please confirm that this would be acceptable GUILD behavior.)

    Thank you for the clarifications!
    Last edited: 5 Mar 2018
  2. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    They're targeting guilds that purposely throw matches and often play defenders/fixers as a punching bag for other guild mates to farm damage for guild quests. I don't think what you are doing (taking breaks from participating in rivalry) breaks this, but it would be nice to see a confirmation from grim :)
  3. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Wow... I guess that's what happens when alternative rewards (i.e. Rivalries) are so darn lucrative relative to Infamy-based rewards.
    On one hand, I'm impressed by their creativity and determination to do this...
    On the other hand, it's not really the kind of playstyle that Rovio should be encouraging...

    IMO, they should focus less on punishing behavior they directly incentivize, and more on reorienting the incentive structure back towards achieving higher Infamy...
  4. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I guess my guild acts out of the norm when matched against each other... as soon as we see one of our guild mates on the other side, it is a constant spam of "Destroy Help I Cant Swim" (for example).... bragging rights are so much more important than rivalry rewards.
    Shadow Moon! and Rainbow Warrior like this.
  5. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    @The Grim Repair
    I asked all these questions in good faith, and I am still hoping for you to respond.
    I feel that the community deserves #1 to happen, and additional clarity on #2 and #3.
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  6. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Same:D even if I see forum names in battles destroy destroy destroy
    TheAntiSnipe and The Grim Repair like this.
  7. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017

    This is also why I totally ignore their written rules. They have given me one set of "rules to succeed" and another set of "rules to avoid being banned". I choose the "succeed" option -- at least when I feel like it. I feel it's their job to bring their success in line with their desired play style and written rules on a discussion board don't do that. Rovio writing something here does not fill my coffers with gold and sugar.
  8. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    Hey guys,

    Let’s look at the questions:

    1. Can I post parts of the reminder also in rules? -yes I will update them shortly to reflect more specifics

    2. Will there be warnings? - yes, in some first offense cases - we won’t however make our suspension and ban system public in regards to: how it is exactly handled/processed / triggered etc. to protect it from abuse.

    Rest assured, we are - as with everything- constantly looking into improvement as well.
    The main idea is to protect players - not to punish.

    The reminder and clarification I posted on Sunday was targeted towards guilds and specific ones in particular with the aim to give everyone a second chance ( before simply banning certain players outright), consider the impact of their actions but also very clearly understand future consequences.

    3. What means to play to the “best of your abilities”

    - that can mean various things - some examples would be:

    not to play as an MK7 for example and use grey/green weapons in a match. It means also not to purposefully play “badly” just because your guild mates are on the Unfriendlies. It means to heal your team members, also guild members of your rivalry guild when they are on your team. It means to attack your own guild members on the Unfriendlies and not avoid them as much as possible.

    It has absolutely nothing to do with trying out new load outs / ships or otherwise your skill - as of course, everyone has their bad, noob or just bad luck moments.
    It’s not at all related to how many breaks you take in rivalries - you play whenever you wish.

    We are looking at specific patterns - not just the odd replay.

    I hope this helps!
  9. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    The Grim Repair likes this.

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