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I am Muted - PrincessLizzzie

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by manueliz30, 29 May 2017.

  1. manueliz30

    manueliz30 Member

    6 May 2017
    how did i get muted? I'm not even doing this things..
    Circumventing our profanity filters
    Badmouthing players
    Toxic messages
    Ban evasion
    -Creating a new account for circumventing chat & other bans
    Forbidden topics
    -Politics, religion, racism.

    please review @Zeus @Miika @Bennunator :(:(:(:(
    I only chat once per global advertising my recorded videos in battle bay.
    and how do i know when will mute will gone? please help! i cant chat in VIP as well ~_~.

  2. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    24 hours ban. nice profile pic. :)
    manueliz30 likes this.

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