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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by •Mordelin•, 27 Jun 2017.

  1. •Mordelin•

    •Mordelin• Member

    15 Apr 2017

    I come here today to declare my dissatisfaction about the way that the game is going, hurting the veterans and especially the Brazilians, I will mention here some problems that are happening to me and other players

    1 - The connection drops all the time (DC)
    2 - I can not make a fleet
    3 - lack of respect by teams

    They are hurting me ( •Mordelin• ) (Orpheus) (Mjunior) (Hungry Shark) ( Eddiezera ), and several players, it seems worse for Brazilians, the time zone harms Brazilians too much.
    So I come through this statement asking you to stop damage the system, let it go on own way and everything will be right. Now I have to wait 2 minutes to play and I can't fleet, respect the veterans of this game that helped Evolve it, don't let the game lose the main essence that is the competitiveness and do not forget that we are with you more than 1 year side by side.

    Thanks for your DEVS
    JustinBeaver and Jumppanen like this.
  2. Travi5

    Travi5 Member

    4 Jun 2017
    I'm a new player since global launch and I play at all times of the day. I don't have bad connection issues ever.
    Why can't you make a fleet? Is there some sort of bug that I am aware of?
    And, lack of respect? I know that many players like me watch those epic YouTube videos of you guys and we dream of being that good.

    I know this isn't really helpful to you but I just wanted you to know that I respect you guys and would like for you to have no issues playing and producing videos.
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    This seems like an issue you'd have to talk with your ISP about. Always refresh after having a game where you lagged and got the warning symbol
    Try joining guilds or try asking in globals.
    Ask for preferances as you wish; example:
    "Looking for a fleet. Mk2+ shooter or fixer. 500+ infamy!"
    This problem can't be fixed. You could try using the in-game chats though.

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