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Hey everyone!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by behumble, 29 Jul 2017.

  1. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I see a lot of new players around the forum :) Welcome guysss
    Anyone want to introduce what ship they play, favorite weapon, and what the best thing about battle bay is?
    interested in active/well known member responses as well :)

    For exampleeee
    I play fixer ey, and i use firebomb now, but my favorite is standard cannon (cant beat that reload)
    I think its really cool that battle bay has graffiti, like "the big muncher"
    Really adds some flare to the game

    If you want to be an overachiever add what your favorite dessert is :p
    OH OH and what is one big thing that should be added/improved/changed in this game?
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2017
    Gipsy Danger Jaeger likes this.
  2. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Ive been playing this bad ass game for about a month now. I played clash of clans and clash royal since they first came out, but Battle Bay is way more enjoyable. Some of the things that i enjoy about this game is how rewarding it is to get that rare or epic item/weapon you have been wanting for awhile, and i dig how fulfilling it is to kick some ass using an MK4 Enforcer against shooters who have 4 weapons compared to my 2 weapons lol, ty Tesla Bolt. My fav ship is Enforcer; i use 2 blast cannons and soon to be adding a Flare Gun into the mix once i get an MK5.
    I hope the game devs add more game features ie: capture the flag, Deathmatch (everyone against everyone) etc, and wouldn't mind more maps added also, but i think more game features would be a bigger priority atm.
    Devs; ban the floaters please, ty.
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2017
    behumble likes this.
  3. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    yeah i could use the rewarding feeling of a rare turbo right now lol. Enforcers are great, always fun to out damage the shooters with a fraction of the weapons.
    Deathmatch seems great for fixers :rolleyes:
    Yea keep up on the bans devs we wont miss the seal clubbers and chat spammers
  4. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Well relatively I'm a newer member so I'll introduce myself. I've been playing since the first day of global launch, which was a few months ago. My in game name is the same as this one and I main fixer and sub-main speeder. I use, on my fixer, rare blast cannon III or epic big torpedo, depending on how I'm feeling. I also run a rare overboost III, rare box and pulse, both II, rare shield II and rare turbo III. I look forward to adding an epic repair bolt at mk5. My speeder runs about the same, using both weapons and swapping the heal with a nitro. Both are mk4 atm. I don't really have a favorite weapon, but I like my trusty blast cannon a lot. The best thing about Battle Bay is that the devs really care about making the game as best as possible. They are open and willing for giving help and asking for suggestions for how to improve the game. Also weekly and daily rewards help. My favorite dessert is a good cake, not too sweet, but also not too dry.;) I think that more seasonal items, game modes and weather would be nice. In general, more variety:) One last thing you should know is that I like long, thoughtful discussions based on evidence without the drama, even though it's fun to watch sometimes.:p
    behumble likes this.
  5. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Always nice to meet a fellow fixer :) Im mk4 as well, maybe we should fleet sometime! Love cannon on fixer.
    Totally going for repair bolt for mk5 as well but havent had any luck in getting duplicates...
    Devs are definitely pretty great at responding to important topics and hopefully we will see some grand changes in the near future.
    Weather? OHhhh i never thought about that, but if rain was added that would be so cool i think. Or like a wind storm....
  6. Flying Bananasaur

    Flying Bananasaur Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Oh yeah, my rank and infamy: Ace III, highest 2330, average 2100
    behumble likes this.
  7. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I started about a week after global, im a lvl 24, t4 enforcer with:

    Lvl 10 rare flare gun (still waiting for a dupe from RNGESUS)
    Lvl 24 rare blast cannon (my pride and glory doing 500 dmg a hit)

    Lvl 21 rare OB
    Lvl 10 Tesla bolt (again, waiting for a dupe)

    Lvl 20 rare bandage
    Lvl 15 rare turbo

    Tada! That's my horrible loadout that keeps me around 1.2K infamy!

    Im Happy with the current state of the game. And i like chocolate
    behumble likes this.
  8. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Thanks, you guys are so welcoming. A few actives can seem a little salty toward each other though.
    I play shooter. Or enforcer.
    My favorite weapons are Cannon, Sniper, Explosive, Firebomb, Frost Launcher. But the the Big Bertha, and Tesla Bolt hold a special place with the Frost Blaster. Damn, I forgot Rail Gun.
    uh, I just like blowing stuff up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Blowing stuff up really adds some flare to the game
    I make these quad chocolate, chocolate chip/chuck cookies with sriracha that's mindblowing.
    That damn left button doesn't float. why doesn't it float?!
    behumble likes this.
  9. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    Well I'm not too new, but fairly new enough to the point where not too many know me ;).

    I play Shooter... and Speeder.... and Fixer.......... and Defender lol :p (poor enforcer though :()
    I like all the ships, I guess (well... maybe not enforcer) but I would say I enjoy the shooter the most currently, although I am better at speeder :oops:

    My favorite weapon is definitely the blast cannon! I've got most of the captain abilities for it, and although missing out on the sniper is a bummer, the sheer damage my baby can do is too good :D
    Also I have a very nice flare gun... looking to follow in blacktail's footsteps :cool:

    My favorite thing about battle bay is that anyone can be a star! It doesn't take money or items to be good, only skill and a dash of luck! :)

    My favorite dessert is mint ice cream :rolleyes: <3
    behumble likes this.
  10. Kustomz

    Kustomz Active Member

    2 Jul 2017
    i find it odd that you don't like the best ship in game (Enforcer), but you have the best weapons for an Enforcer, lol :p
    Rivet, fr4nk1yn and behumble like this.
  11. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Haha yeah, some of the "salty ones" have been here before me.
    I understand them most of the time, because a lot of the discussions have already been discussed so it can get tiring to have the same argument again and again :)
    But I think they would also welcome all new comers to the forums because it means you care about the game!
    Haha so a big fan of cannons? Can't go wrong with cannons, fire perks, and a well place fire bomb ....killer.
    Those cookies sounds great lol.
    The left button?
  12. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Love it lol.
    This game definitely accommodates both ftp and ptw players! I'm ftp myself and while it's been slow, ive had fun and I love the challenge of strong opponents....
    Flare gun is great, and black tail is an awesome role model...good luck man!
    Rivet likes this.
  13. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I feel like I'm answering a question on an elementary school assignment. :D

    Ship: Enforcer Mk 4 - Lvl 27 so soon to be Mk 5
    Secondary Ship: Fixer Mk 4
    Dream Ship: I want a Shooter, but I don't have the weapons, sugar, or gold to use it...
    Least Favorite Ship: Speeder, maybe it's my Enforcer bias but I'm never touching this thing.

    Favorite Weapon: Carronade, but I don't use one. Not practical enough (and it's pretty ugly looking).
    Favorite Used Weapon: Grenade Launcher
    Favorite Unused Weapon: Big Berta. Unlike Carrot-aid, I've pretty much never used a Berta, it's too slow for me. They are so legit when they land, though...

    Favorite Dessert: Ice cream, but I feel like getting militant about pie: cake SUCKS! I don't need a dessert that can't stand on it's own without milk or ice cream. :mad:
    Best Thing About the Bay: I get the same experience of yelling at teammates about their terrible, crappy plays as I do in a PC team-based game! Why is he going over there? Why is he using that item? Why isn't he attacking? It feels just like Paladins. :l

    What I Want Changed: Two things actually. I want a greater blue and yellow item selection, and I want Speeders and Enforcers to have more viable weapon choices. They're the only two ships in this game where you know exactly what they're using without being able to see their build. Speeders are always using a cannon and a Bigpedo. Enforcers are always using cannons and a Flare. Whenever I see a Speeder not using a torpedo or an Enforcer using literally any AoE weapon, I'm surprised.
    behumble likes this.
  14. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Not sure if I count as a newcomer but I've been playing for 3 months.

    I'm best with shooter and defender and kinda ok with enforcer, I'm lamest with speeder but that's also the ship I love playing with the most.

    Fav weapons and items I've used are cannon, sniper, long range mortar, turbo, shields, nitro.
    Fav weapons/items I don't use are frost items, tesla items, grenade launcher, missile launcher, burn weapons, railgun, lube, rudder and bandage
    behumble likes this.
  15. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I kinda made it seem like an elementary school questionnaire didnt I :p
    Awesome to meet some enforcers, everyone seems to forget them lol
    Big berta is killer and ive never used it myself, but it does crazy dmg in the center
    Ahaha sometimes i friend request bad players just to ask them what the hell is wrong with them. idiots...idiots everywhere.
    Yeah some more viable options for speeder and enforcer would be great! Anything in particular you think would be a good addition?
    Also dont tell @Flying Bananasaur about your hatred of cake....;)
    Netsa likes this.
  16. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Yeah, you are pretty well known i believe. I want to get to know everyone though, i think it would help a lot in discussion to know what experience we all have in the game, because what ship and what weapons you play with make a big difference to game experience.
    Also wanted ask fav/worst thing of battle bay so the devs could get a little input as well :)
    Lol great that you love speeder but are terrible at it....id say keep with it honestly, mk4 speeders can get pretty high in infamy!
  17. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    Best thing about battle bay imo is the fair matchmaking which ensures even the legends of the game will have no more than 56% win rate. (Yeah, I know, crazy).

    Worst thing about battle bay is the lack of variety in game modes, maps and the lack of ftp. I think the game would go a long long way, almost certainly reach the heights of wow if it was ftp.
  18. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    The movement "joystick". If your thumb is off you look around instead of moving.
    Most games split the screen, Left side is movement right side is look. No matter where you thumbs are in a fire fight your moving, or looking!

    The blast cannon is that good on the Enforcer? That's the least of my favorite cannons, although I don't think I've ever used the tier 2 rare I have.

    That's because you know how easy they are to kill. :D
  19. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Gotta friend at nightmare with a 57% win rate ;)
    Would love some new game modes and maps...
    You can put on sticky throttle in settings....your ship keeps going which ever direction the throttle is pointed without your thumb on it.
    Tried it out but it didnt help me lol
  20. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Then I'd just keep going full steam ahead in that wall i really want to get away from.

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