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Healer tips

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by D3ATHF0X, 20 Jan 2018.

  1. D3ATHF0X

    D3ATHF0X New Member

    20 Jan 2018
    I want to post this for new healers, and people who wind up with hearlers on your team so everyone who plays. Anyone who wants to add tips please do.
    1. Do no harm
    You are not on the team to win with damage, you are on the team to heal. Your main focus is to heal your team members. I personally carry a heavy weapon for backup or if I’m the last alive. When the battle is on I only use my healing.
    2. Stay back
    You are not the front line. Heal from the back of the pack never secluded yourself at the front. Don’t race to the front lines
    3. Spam together
    Keep your team together it will be easier to mass heal
    4. Stick to your heavy hitters if everyone disperses
    Find the boat that has the biggest hp/dps and stick with them. I have won a lot of matches just by sticking to one boat and making sure they stay afloat
    5. Don’t chase speeders
    Stick to shooters/defenders and the wary enforcer. If a speeder needs health he will come to you not the other way around
    6. Tell your team who to target
    You are in the back healing. You can see who needs to die first. Enemy healers, speeders should be the first on the list. Healers prolong the battle so should be eliminated first. Speeders are dangerous and usually target healers so watch out.
    7. Use health items that heal you as well as your team mates.
    Only use pulse/box until you have enough slots for other items. You can heal your teammates and yourself if need be remember a dead healer is useless.
    Other team mates!
    1. Dont hide behind your healers
    Protect those that heal you. If you have to hide hide behind your defenders.
    2. Speeders don’t use SOS if you are low health and won’t return to the healer.
    New healers will try to race to you. If you need healing go to your healer not the other way around.
    3. Stick together!
    It’s easier to heal you
    4. Listen to the healer
    They will be in the back and may need help fighting off a speeder/assasin. If your healer is occupied then they can’t heal you.
    5. Kill opposing healers
    Your first target should be the enemy healer they will keep the other boats afloat. Should be a speeders first target
    Remember this is for new healers or people who are struggling if you have any tips let me know!
  2. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    My thoughts? I'm glad you're here posting noob stuff. Most of the posts here are more appropriate for higher level players. I started my own series for that reason. I agree with some of your points. Others I think are pretty sketchy.

    1) Far be it from me to tell somehow else how to play their game. If they want to be a selfish fixer then I'm good with that.
    2) Yes please... usually.
    3) If you do that, I'll automatically class you as a noob and write you off as an asset to the team. Whatever strategy I execute will assume we don't have a fixer. I do that with anyone who spams at the beginning of the battle. It's a rule which has served me well. I started doing that once I noticed I seldom or never saw higher level players doing that and I began to think about why not.
    4) Yes please. I pick the highest infamy, highest mark shooter.
    5) Yes double please. Let me and the speeders deal with other speeders and enfos
    6) Why? I much prefer the lead shooter to tell me who he's targeting so I can focus with him.
    7) Huh? My favorite fixers were dual slot bolt users. They also routinely get the massive healing numbers. in theory, you shouldn't need all that much self-healing since if the rest of the team is doing their job nobody is going to be on you for very long. Part of that, though, is your own boat positioning and combat awareness.

    Other People on the Fixer's team
    1) If you're behind the healer then you're obviously not doing your job... any of your jobs.... unless your digging out a pesky speeder/enfo.
    2) Yes. anyone who goes on a solo mission needs to have their own exit strategy, myself included. see my shooter post on this for the perspective from the other side.
    3) Sort of. I like to see speeders and/or enfo's out in front. Brawlers need to loiter in the midfield to support them. Bombardment shooters are the backfield guys. Defenders need to be leading the charge when a charge happens. People do go on solo missions and that's not a bad thing if it's well thought out.
    4) Absolutely... or even better... you ought to know that there's a red dot mixing it up with your fixer without needing to be told. You also ought to know where he is on the map at all times.
    5) Absolutely not. Real combat unfolds dynamically. Often times the first target is whoever got nailed with a big torp and is therefor vulnerable. Actual targeting can only be done on the fly. The healer is, of course, a priority target but not so priority that it completely erases all the other battlefield conditions. I JUST finished a match where we took out two of their shooters before I could get in and do a suicide run on their fixer. We just couldn't get to him without weakening some of the defense. Then someone nailed him with a railgun and that was my moment to abandon the pack and make the kill. So spamming "Attack <fixer>" at the beginning of the battle is also a sure indicator of an inexperienced player and I'm likely to write them off.
    Last edited: 21 Jan 2018
    Mr.FixIt.Nsk and James Irvine like this.
  3. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    Good info for typical fixer gameplay.
  4. Mr.FixIt.Nsk

    Mr.FixIt.Nsk Member

    9 Nov 2017
    Wery many good words.
  5. SquashGaming

    SquashGaming New Member

    26 May 2018
    Wow FINALLY someone has some sense
  6. Ser Tomaz

    Ser Tomaz Active Member

    24 Dec 2017
    Dont go full tape, just dont
    TheAntiSnipe and Mr.FixIt.Nsk like this.
  7. Mr.FixIt.Nsk

    Mr.FixIt.Nsk Member

    9 Nov 2017
    Healer's work - to heal his team
  8. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    Well, it's still good to attack sometimes, like when the enemies are in range and your fixing items are on cooldown.
  9. SquashGaming

    SquashGaming New Member

    26 May 2018
    Yes I agree.

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    I just advise the fixer guys not to forget their main role(fixing):):):)
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  11. SquashGaming

    SquashGaming New Member

    26 May 2018
    Yes, obviously focus on fixing as your primary priority, but fire off a shot or two when you have to chance.
    HAPPY SITHSHA and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  12. Cricketmad

    Cricketmad Well-Known Member

    4 May 2018
    When I am fixer I take my sniper with me usually and the only time I use it is to apply the final kill, otherwise I just focus on fixing and often end with 0 damage but win :)
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yeah, and it's better to show a charging speeder you have the number on him by getting off a shot, than heal your teammates hoping they see.

    Look, I know I'm a speeder myself, but I'll be honest. Whenever a FIXER cuts loose on me, I know to back the hell off.

    Fixers with red weapons trained on you have a tremendous amount of chaotic energy and are not to be messed with under any circumstances.
    Did y'all get that reference?
    SquashGaming likes this.
  14. SquashGaming

    SquashGaming New Member

    26 May 2018
    I have sniper on my fixer as well, and only fire it when my repair items are on cool down
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Sniper on fixer is a very good, very balanced choice at all levels. Can hit speeders at most ranges, can help your team in almost every scenario possible, and ofc, just an overall GOOD gun you always have a shot ready with when your heals are on CD.

    Ofc, at mk6, having a carro as insurance is also really good because speeders.
    Nothing scares speeders more than 1k damage to the face, added with a speed debuff(the turret debuff doesnt affect us much). You really cannot go wrong with carro + snipe.

    In close up ranges against a mk6 speeder/enfo, you can crack open their shield with carro amd let them have it with snipe.

    Most important thing about choosing your weapons as a fixer is SKILL vs DAMAGE.

    Weapons with high leading skill requirement and high damage like ex and blast are okay ofc, but only if you are a more offensive fixer.

    Weapons with high skill and low damage(big torps) are really not recommended, because youre going for shock value and ease of use.

    Weapons with low skill requirement and somewhat balanced damage are superb(snipes, carros).

    Area control tools and DPS weapons are BIG risks. Mines, napalm, standard cannon, yes, they have good dps and control capability. But think, "Would these really help me if I was straggling and needed to catch up with my team?"
    SquashGaming and PallabKumarS like this.
  16. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Okay, I'll say this. Not a fixer main. But IF I ever go for fixer, the setup I'll want on it will be my classic double blast(I rarely think when I flick) on a rig with a duct tape and a box and bolt. I want at least two of my greens to be helping both me and my team.

    I'll run turbo and standard shield in the blue department.
    SquashGaming and PallabKumarS like this.
  17. SquashGaming

    SquashGaming New Member

    26 May 2018
    I’m considering carro at mk6, but I don’t think it’ll be benetial as a sole weapon because it has short range and I won’t be able to use it often. But could be a good backup at mk6
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  18. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yup, I said it, carro is good only as a secondary "insurance" wep
    SquashGaming likes this.
  19. SquashGaming

    SquashGaming New Member

    26 May 2018
    Also, at mk6, carro can be good since I wouldn’t have many chances to shoot it, I can concentrate more on healing than dealing damage.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  20. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Carronade is a great defensive option against aggressive yellow boats - @Waveblower runs (or at least used to run) a Missile/Carronade combo on his Fixer.

    Personally I run Sniper/Explosive when I'm solo - long range chip damage, and an Explosive for self-defense against Speeders.

    If I'm fleeted with a Shooter, I'll keep the Sniper but swap out the Explosive cannon for a Railgun and dial long-distance for kills.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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