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HCTDM Damage not counting in quest

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by ManjaCat, 6 Feb 2019.

  1. ManjaCat

    ManjaCat New Member

    2 Nov 2018
    Hi my fleetmate and I noticed this bug last night and until today. His mines damage didnt count for his daily last night and for me today all the damage in my latest hctdm win didnt count for mines guild quest. I restarted the game several times after the match but it never showed up.
  2. m1au

    m1au New Member

    5 Nov 2017
    It does only count if you did the damage with your last ship.
    For example if you do some mine dmg with speeder, die, switch to shooter with no mines equipped and win the game as shooter, you won‘t get quest credit
  3. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Per Rovio:
    1. Don't die with your first ship
    2. Problem solved
    Nikkie!, envylife and Mimmel like this.
  4. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    And pray you don't die with your first ship 10 seconds before the match ends.
  5. JoshW

    JoshW Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2018
    I was playing a single ship all last event and always got credit towards guild quests regardless of whether or not I was sink. That being said I didn't equip anything to any other ship.
    So in a nutshell if you plan to use events to grind guild quests, know going in that you want to single spawn and not equip any other ships.
  6. Fish

    Fish Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    This was discussed on the livestream Q&A with Zeus. He said he would take it back to decide if the design choice to only count last ship is what they want to stick with. I think the arguments made against the current design were pretty compelling - both from a player enjoyment and business perspective - so hopefully they do make a change to either first ship (better) or all ships (best).
    Nikkie! and GigaBeard like this.
  7. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    Yet another reason, events have become less compelling than ever.

    Some of the other reasons are: can't save coins after an event ends, 60 coins for a perk box - no thanks, only other options are ship pieces that I may or may not even need/want. 800 hundred coins to get a chance at a gold perk still seems high. I like the suggestions I've seen elsewhere that having different level perks on the way to the gold one would be helpful - for instance at 200 coins you get an uncommon, 400 you get a rare, 600 you get an epic perk... Thanks!
  8. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    The pity reward used in original events was a good idea, but it's the only time BB has ever used such a thing, and they yanked it away because they did it wrong. Instead of legendary piece guarantee it should have been epic guarantee. I never did the perk boxes which I think had the epic guarantee. In other words if RNG is not on your side and you don't get the 10% chance something 10 times in a row throw the player a bone and give them something. It makes sense... because when all was said and done after purchasing 168 piece boxes with 20% epic piece chance, I only wound up with 10% epic pieces.... literally half of the advertised rate. It ticked me off, and was a complete disincentive to spend actual cash to buy more chances.

    I also wouldn't care if a Legendary Perk cost 2000 coins if we had rollover. It would give far more incentive to play events than now. My L34 premium ship will take 157,200 ship pieces to get just 16 more levels.... at 100 pieces per 20 coins that could be as many as 1572 boxes (31,440 coins and 6,288 Event Matches). It'll obviously be less with the 300 and 3000 chances, but it will be 12 more months of Event grinding at the rate I've been playing.... so sometime in 2020. O.M.G... not even a speck of light at the end of the tunnel. That, or spend about $750.. no microtransactions in this game.

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