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Has anyone: item level up costs.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Syla5, 13 Jul 2017.

  1. Syla5

    Syla5 Active Member

    29 May 2017
    Has anyone put together a spreadsheet or wiki page that has a comprehensive breakdown of the cost of levelling the different rarity of items from lvl1 to lvl50?

    I have been pulling together data for rare items sporadically but would be really interested to know cost of doing epic items etc to know how much of each needs saving for levelling the items I want to level.

    If a Dev sees this post, why isn't this information published by rovio to a wiki? Surely this might encourage a bit of consumer spending if they know buying x parts will help them get to y level for their current item.
    ElMataC likes this.
  2. ElMataC

    ElMataC Member

    2 Jul 2017
    I was just going to make a thread like this :D

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