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Hackers : DuploCraft, And More..

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by CinnamonKasumi, 8 Jul 2017.

  1. CinnamonKasumi

    CinnamonKasumi New Member

    8 Jul 2017
    I Found this out just before I Posted this thread and I encountered this.. His team had defenders when they all had the same level as me. They all had Legendary/Uncommon Napalm Launchers ( I Can't Tell Which ). They dominated the match and their defenders had actually a pretty decent speed. If the devs look in their account , They probably won some matches and leveled up to Captain Level 5 By training their crew by the loot they gained from cheating. The reason I couldn't take screenshots was they got some kind of aimbot which shot alot of bullets at me which caused the smoke to generate.. Alot of smoke.. Then finally my game crashed due to the smoke it caused.
    lakshya likes this.
  2. lakshya

    lakshya Member

    22 May 2017
  3. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    its battlebay modified version, alias hacked apk. it wont hurt even he continuously hit you, as the game designed like that by rivo. ( Thanks to rivo) other wise we may loose so many games, ultimately no one likes battle-bay. tough we may face issue with smoke due to continuous hit by them. nothing to do, except by reporting the user as cheating from his profile.and cause you faced, so that they will track him.

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