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Guild Trophies & Rewards

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Scourge Argaen, 7 Jun 2018.

  1. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    Guild Trophies have a couple of informative functions. The first is that that they are a form of bragging rights, a way to boast about how well you've done. The second is a measure of your contribution in comparison to peers. Beyond that they don't have any value, they have no impact or benefit to the game.

    I suggest that these are linked in with rewards. Trophies at thresholds could reward you gifts for your contribution with the idea to encourage more member participation in the guild rivalries. There are 2 avenues i think we could go down with this.

    1) Parts on a scale such as:
    2500 Trophies = Common Parts
    5000 Trophies = Uncommon Parts
    10,000 Trophies = Rare Parts
    20,000 Trophies = Epic Parts
    35,000 Trophies = Legendary Parts

    Considering that you get parts from the raffle, this is probably not a likely option.

    2) Chests on a scale such as:
    5,000 Trophies = Common Crate
    15,000 Trophies = Rare Chest
    30,000 Trophies = Rare Chest
    Same for each +15k trophies

    You can't get too many rare chests during the game, this would be a suitable option to add an additional source for them. Members have posted previously about not having these as star rewards and so seeing as that's the case, this may help plug the gap.


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