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Guild Rivalry Matchmaking should be based on Captain levels of the Guild members

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Reorge, 8 Mar 2018.

  1. Reorge

    Reorge Well-Known Member

    13 Feb 2018
    Like we all know the old Guild Rivalry Matchmaking which was based on Guild's global rank/total infamy was not fair due to too much intentional losing and all. But the change in the matchmaking after the last update made it even worse. Being a guild leader, I'm experiencing too many difficulties for winning a single rivalry now. The last update says matchmaking will be based on Guild's activity from now on. But I'm not seeing any similar activity in the guilds in our rivalry. Our guild managed to complete 60 quests last rivalry which was the highest quests we ever completed, and now we are against a guild that completed 73 quests last time. Not only that but also the matchmaking is TOTALLY lopsided. Some of the guilds we faced last time had almost every member over lvl40, many players were over lvl 44. And now it's even worse, the guild who completed 73 quests(which is out of our reach) last time has every member over lvl40, like 7 players are of lvl50 while our guild has only 9 players who are over lvl40, and only one of lvl50. Now explain how in the world is this fair ? We are a very active guild and we like to compete but it's going too far now. I'ld strongly recommend the guild rivalry matchmaking should be based on captain levels of the Guild members. I'm playing this game for like 8 months, I uninstalled several games for this one cuz i love this game and it's not possible to be active in other games specially when you're a guild leader. But I'm just now tired of this lopsidedness and unfairness. This new guild rivalry matchmaking is ruining many guilds, hopefully this will be fixed ASAP. Thanks

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