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Guild challenge match ups

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Beau, 21 Oct 2018.

  1. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    My guild continues to get matched up against insanely higher ranked guilds and we get destroyed. We basically have zero chance of winning. Example: my guild is ranked in the 1100’s, we are matched up against rank 18 as well as in the 300’s 500’s and 600’s. It is very discouraging. I know it is done by quests completed last time but this insane. My team is discouraged and some have stopped playing altogether. Please tell me there is a change coming for this.
    AVID likes this.
  2. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    If you read the announcement....

    "Improved rivalry matchmaking, taking individual players more into account"
    YerJokinArnYer likes this.
  3. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    And that means?
  4. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    Every time I post in here I get no help.
  5. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    No one can give you any help, because we don’t yet know what I means. It’s not that people don’t want to help.

    Sometimes with these things, they don’t give away the exact method in case it is abused.
    My advice would be to see what your rivalry looks like for the next 2 rivalries, and then make your mind up about whether you think the system is improved or not.
  6. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    Will do. I figured this would be a bigger discussion as I’m sure I’m not the only one with the issue. The other thing is my members that have quit playing we’re spending money on the game so that should be important to the devs. Breaking up into categories like seasons are may be a way to even the playing field. Thank you for responding yerjokin, I really appreciate it.

    I wonder why this thread doesn’t show when you click on newest threads.
  7. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    AVID likes this.
  8. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    This rivalry started before the new update was released. As I said, let’s wait and see the effects of the new update and then see if you think things have improved.
  9. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    OK, thx
  10. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
  11. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    I would say not improved!
  12. Shoot em up

    Shoot em up New Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Never had a problem. Global rather means nothing, just how high total infamy is. 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off works best. Always a challenge, but average about 55 quests per week. Would have hit 60 if it wasnt for star horder.
  13. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    We shouldn’t need to take a break every other week to have a fair match up.
    BattleRascal and Reorge like this.
  14. Shoot em up

    Shoot em up New Member

    11 Sep 2018
    Your issue is that you're not first in every rivalry and you want to win easily.
    If you're in a guild that don't spend Pearl's on hundreds of boosts for the entire guild you're never going to win.
    You don't have to take a break, but that's what works for my guild. Even now with no boost on we are on board 3 against 1 top 15 team, 2 top 30 teams and us, top 100.
    The rivalry is fair in my eyes.
  15. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    Why don't you just ask the developers to eliminate the rivalries and automatically reward you with 42k tokens each week?

    Because you want the same 1st place reward for doing 20 quests as guilds that do 100 quests ..

    Are the podium rewards better for higher ranked guilds?

    Are higher ranked players at an advantage?

    1) Star quests, domination quests, individual ship win quests have nothing to do with level.

    2) They miss out on a lot of the 10x bonuses ...

    Higher ranked guilds aren't using many mortars (or half the weapons in the game) because they have to use their best weapons to maintain their NML ranking. Likewise, they generally have far fewer shooters than lower ranked guilds - meaning they have less weapon slots to use weaker weapons.

    3) Ships get a bit more HP as they get higher level - so it should be easier to get damage right ...? Nope. There are more lower health yellow boats (absorbing your biggest shots with Tshields) in higher ranked games.

    4) Do they win more often? .. Nope. We all pretty much have the same win percentage.

    5) Are they more active or do more work on quests? .. maybe .. but that's not unfair.

    What would be "fair" would be to place every guild against each other, then distribute rewards based on how many quests you completed compared to others.

    1st: 1M tokens
    2nd: 750k
    3rd: 500k
    4th: 400k
    5th: 300k
    6th: 250k
    7th: 200k
    8th: 175k
    9th: 150k
    10th: 125k
    11th - 100th: 100k descending to 51k
    101 - 250: 50k descending to 1k
    251 and below: 0

    But, like I said .. I don't think you really want it to "fair" .. you want easy wins.
    skv1256 likes this.
  16. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    It’s fair but you need need to take a break to win? I’m sure if my guild did zero quests one week we could win the following week. My issue is fairness. No I don’t expect to be number one every week, thanks for insulting my intelligence. Based on what you wrote you are matched up more closely than what I show above.
    Reorge likes this.
  17. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    How is a guild ranked 1000 going up against a guild ranked 20 fair?
  18. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    I wrote a very long and detailed post about how it's more than fair .. especially given the rewards are the same regardless of guild ranking. Which part are you having trouble with?
  19. Beau

    Beau Member

    25 Aug 2018
    Your hypotheticals are not helpful since you think a number 1 ranked team and a 50,000 ranked team would be a fair match up. I absolutely don’t buy it. Easy to think such things when your guild is so highly ranked.
    Reorge likes this.
  20. xArrogance

    xArrogance Well-Known Member

    9 Dec 2017
    1) They're not hypotheticals. They are all facts.

    Do you not believe that win percentages are all pretty much the same? Check.

    Do you not believe that all those quests listed (dominator, win matches, star hoarder) count the same for every player in the game? Check.

    Other than a few spending loads of money and doing it out of boredom, NML players aren't wasting their limited time or resources leveling up the weaker weapons in the game (33-40% of the weapons).

    Don't believe me that they're grinding out those weaker weapons without the 10x multiplier? Check BayStats.

    Don't believe me that there are fewer Shooter mains in top guilds? Check.

    2) Yes, my current guild is normally ranked in the top 3 or 4 spots .. but it's not my first guild.

    My current guild did 49 quests total last rivalry. I've been in guilds that did that many quests in the first 2 hours - every single week. Those guilds were full of 1-2k infamy players that were willing to strap on 4 uncommon Big Bertas or 5 standard mortars and grind quests. Obviously, that guild's ranking was hundreds or thousands lower than #3.

    Below is the only screenshot I could find as an example - it's several months old (because I'm under 4k) .. but, my current guild rarely has over a few people doing 100k - because their not willing to sacrifice infamy for quests and the raffle rewards are easier to earn elsewhere.

    The guild in the screenshot obviously didn't care about infamy.

    3) As I've said, you're probably not going to be happy unless you're winning every week -- so just ask for that.

    Because if it was "fairness" you wanted, you wouldn't come in first every week. It would be "fair" to average between 3rd and 4th place - some weeks in 1st or 2nd and some in 5th or 6th.

    If you have a decent questing guild, you should be completing around 60 quests a week (and getting around 150k tokens for those boards) ... so the podium rewards would only be some small fraction of that 150k - or 1 or 2 more spins a week.

    And ... that's what you want developers spending their limited time on? A few extra uncommon powercells or perks?

    4) Anywho, you have your mind set on the conclusion that it's unfair so you're not going to let things like reason, logic or facts get in the way. And that's fine .. this is more for everyone else anyways.
    This Is Me likes this.

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