I noticed that a lot of players, even many nightmare league players, lack some understanding to the capture zone, so I decided to share my advice on this topic

Tactical Captures (the captures that don’t capture to 100% but to gain advantage in play) isn’t discussed in this thread, I’ll keep that for another day.
If you disagree with anything I stated please share your thoughts in the comments!
First of all, I will address the 5 key factors in a successful capture.
1. Enemy Location - Capturing is more likely to succeed when the enemy is isolated from the capture zone.
2. Teammate / Enemy ship types - For example having multiple speeders vs no speeders is an advantage that should be utilized, different maps have different optimal matchups for capturing.
3. Teammate Mindset - Capuring is rarely a one man job, if you know your teammates won’t cooperate, then you shouldn’t attempt a capture.
4. Map - Some maps are easier to isolate the enemy away from the capture zone than others.
5. Capture Call - A person should call “Capture” if they think time is right. Other players should respond “Yes” or “Negative” after evaluating the situation. If the player is highly experienced, I recommend you to just reply “Yes”.
Now after the basics, here are the 4 roles I determined in a capture process.
1. Camper (1~3)
A camper should always stay out of the enemy’s line of fire, don’t risk taking shots at the enemy when you are at risk of getting hit.
Losing a high Capture Percentage(CP) could be the turning point in a game. In most situations, campers should be ships who have the least firepower/lower infamy. There is no point in having more than three campers since
CP maxes out at 3%/sec!
Preferred ship types: Varies for each map & matchup. Use brain!
2. Blocker (1~2)
The main idea of a blocker is to protect the campers while being in the capture zone too. Your main job is to trick the enemy thinking that you have high CP and taking hits for the campers. You should keep track of how much CP each camper has and try to get the enemy to focus on you.
Preferred ship type: Anyone.
3. Distractor (1~2)
The distractor should focus on keeping the enemy away from the capture zone. For example, blocking narrow pathways with mines, slowing them with ice, launching mortars in their paths etc. But most importantly, hide around corners, play cat & mouse with your opponent, DO NOT die quickly or else the enemy will have a clear pathway to stop your capture.
Preferred ship type: Shooter, Yellow Boats.
4. Suicider(0~1)
When CP is close to 100%, and the enemy is on the verge of hitting a camper, a blocker or distractor can turn into a suicider, the suicider should speed right into the opponent and absorb as much firepower as they can, low hp targets usually have a higher priority than stopping captures. Suiciders need to be smart and get the timing right otherwise it’ll look like a stupid play.
Preferred Ship type: Speeder, Fixer.
Hope this helps
P.S. Don’t even try to capture by yourself when there’s less than 1:40 on the clock please. It’s so frustrating when you get a draw instead of guaranteed win like this

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