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Great game, but after 2 days...

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Vidar-Z-, 15 Jun 2017.

  1. Vidar-Z-

    Vidar-Z- New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I had fun playing the game, it's amazing. Spent around $7 NZD as I felt the game was actually a fair game. That balanced cash shop benefits with in game skill.
    Until I reached 300 infamy...

    Now we have MK3 players 1-hit-KO the moment you're within range... At 300 infamy.

    So from the epic battles I experienced working up to infamy 200 , it has turned into a huge divide in damage and HP. How are emerging players supposed to experience the game acting as disposable targets for god-like damage weapons. While chipping away at 3000 hp with around 100 damage per tick.

    My HP is 800, and the aoe damage alone is 300+, then 800+ from a torpedo. One torpedo is easy to dodge... But 6-8 regularly with the additional aoes... I don't even get to see the damage tick.

    I assume I'm supposed to suddenly invest $30 plus to hope I can withstand the onslaught. That's not enjoyable or competitive, it seems down right exploitative.

    How much profit does a game have to generate before they'd make progress proportional? From receiving 150-200 dmg... To 800+ in the space of 100 infamy.

    And after reading the forums, it seems I'm not alone...

    So if someone can see issues 2 days in... Then there are some serious issues that need addressing.

    Great work, but I'd rather play a game where my time will reflect my efforts and not the pay grades of competitors manipulating the ranking system.

    So for now, I'll delete the game. And if I randomly remember about it in a year or two I might try again.
    lolawola likes this.
  2. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    called it...

    i sincerely feel your pain :( lots of my friends also stopped playing because of this issue. 2 months after release and the game is already dying, as there are no new players who are willing to struggle against these infamy bullies.

    Good job Rovio!
    Good job Bullies!
  3. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    It's not just abusers of the system. There are normal players with mk3 ships who drop very low too. I know, because I'm in guild with a few. I don't think anything needs to be changed though. If you're quitting because you see an mk3 as newbie, you were going to quit anyway, if not now then later when you get against mk5 while you got mk3 or against legendary / epic users while you got uncommons.

    Players who can't deal with being matched against a stronger boat are not the target audience of this game. So if those players get filtered out early on, I don't think that's a bad thing. Saves them the time of finding it out later.
  4. Logary

    Logary New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I agree Miathan, in random battles anything can happen. I"m fighting with a MK4 dealing 4000+ damage a match at times and still losing 5 out of 6 matches some nights because people drop connection or just don't play the match forcing a 4 on 5 or a 3 on 5 at times, sitting at 450 infamy because of bad luck and definitely not intentional. It can be frustrating but all I can recommend to you people feeling these pains is find an active guild, find a couple players to fleet up with that work well with you, keep pumping away and selecting the bonus 50%. Everything adds up and in this game time equals effectiveness.
    Game admins should find a balance between player level and infamy to match up battles, just an idea for fairness.
    Ability6 likes this.
  5. Lord Drek

    Lord Drek Member

    30 May 2017
    when you get above 600 infamy it levels out as the clubbers dont want to be challenged. Im currently floating around 650-900 infamy and never see mk5 and rarely see mk4. now i know they are out there as I was 300 too once. Once you break out of there things level off in terms of fairness.

    Both developers and seal clubbers will deny the problem exists though as its a very lucrative situation. Many games suffer from this. Its nothing new...
  6. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    The developers don't deny it

  7. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    A big problem is this game had the "Open Beta" for a year with no reset when the game was launched to everyone. That means there are people already at the end game when you are starting. I don't know how many of you play or played Clash of Clans. But thats like someone being TH9 when you are just starting. To catch up that's at least $1,000. Not to mention there have been some re-balancing on loot drops not in the favor of the newcomers. Sadly there is no solution for this, early bird always gets the worm..
  8. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Wow this makes me feel lucky i got over 1k before these problems started happening, (began playing like 2 months ago), now at mk4 with 2k infamy and not a dime spent. It is possible, just takes effort and a lot of games.
  9. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Totally agree, lots of games needed. I've also had better luck with Queue's in the morning PST. Also this last week it seems the matchmaking has improved a bit for me. Before there was always an imbalance in fixers on each team. Since monday there usually is an equal number on both. Might just be my luck, who knows
  10. Lord Drek

    Lord Drek Member

    30 May 2017
    There is denial of the problem severity however. I saw another dev point out that a clubbers infamy level would raise with all the clubber wins therefore its a self correcting problem. Like they wouldnt delevel when it started to rise again? Its called speaking out of both sides of your mouth...
  11. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I'm 99% sure that did not refer to abusers, but rather to people who got to low infamy normally or who were at low infamy and then got a big boat upgrade. Those two are indeed a self correcting,
  12. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    "balanced cash shop" ... hahaha when you get to the point when you need an epic item duplicate to upgrade your epic item, lets talk about how "balanced" the cash shop really is.
  13. Dfer3nt

    Dfer3nt Member

    28 May 2017
    On a real note, who tf spends 7$ on a game within 2 days of getting it?
    Last edited: 15 Jun 2017
  14. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I do. If you like the game, pay for it. That's how you support it.
    Vidar-Z- likes this.
  15. Dfer3nt

    Dfer3nt Member

    28 May 2017
    tbh I would probably do that too except im broke
  16. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    He's only played for 2 days. What does he expect? Get better items, ship and get better at the game first.
  17. VidarUlv

    VidarUlv New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    I've only played the game for about a week now and struggled with the same, but it did get better when I got my MK2 ship. I hope you'll stick through it till at least then and see if you'll notice any difference as well.

    I'm at roughly 700 infamy and while I do mostly meet MK3 ships, a few MK2s and some very rare MK4s I feel that I have a way better fighting chance. I got some overboost and turbo upgrades so it's way, way easier to dodge shots, and I can actually hit back.
  18. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    ^ Seconded.

    I think what people aren't realizing is that skill isn't as important in this game as gear. The game looks more attractive at near-0 infamy because most of the opponents are bots. Once they start fighting real people, they suddenly have to deal with opponents that they absolutely can not beat. That's not fun, no one wants to grind through that.

    Sure, they can keep playing and eventually level up and get better stuff, but you also have to keep in mind that people like us, that joined about a month ago, didn't have to deal with this. When I left the bot range, I was fighting Mk2s at best, not Mk3s. I'm on a Mk3 right now at 1500, and only half of my opponents at that level are Mk4. If I had to be on a Mk3 back at < 500, I would have quit the game, too. If I was seeing people spamming Epics and Big Torpedos at < 500, I would have quit so fast, I wouldn't have even bothered visiting the forums.

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