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give advice if i am playing correctly or am i a bad player.

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by luffy, 11 May 2017.

  1. luffy

    luffy New Member

    8 May 2017
  2. JJf

    JJf Member

    22 Apr 2017
    Well, I wouldn't say you are a bad player but of course we all can do something better. The first thing I noticed is that your teams spread all over the map right from the beginning. Of course that's not a thing you can fix alone. The second one is a real difference between newbies and advanced players: you stop moving several times and stay one place shooting. You should move all the time, stop only if you are changing your moving direction. If you don't move, you are an easy target.

    Then a tip for shooting: move your aim to the direction your target is moving. Now you miss many shots because the target moves and your projectile hits the water behind the unfriend's ship.

    Take a look at Porthos' videos in Youtube and you understand what I mean when talking about moving. The ships never stop in those games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC75bPgoTwhKotEM2Z0fIugg
    P0rthos likes this.

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