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Game unplayable at ship level 6

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by VinTsar, 16 Jan 2018.

  1. VinTsar

    VinTsar New Member

    16 Jan 2018
    I just about squeezed a level 6 shio after about 6 months of play. Then my points dropped like stone. Now I'm getting next to no rewards and can't get back. Looks like some kind of bug at level 6. What can I do? I'm trying to get my points back but I'm so over matched this is never going to happen. I may have to just stop playing as it's just no fun now :-(
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Thing is when you buy a MK6 ship you get forced to play other MK6s, so you will be playing people at 2500+ infamy, even if your infamy is much lower.
    If you drop more than 800 infamy lower than your all time best, you will also get flagged for infamy tanking and your rewards will stop / be minimized, so you need to climb back to within 800 of your highest infamy to get the rewards back.

    I hope you put as much time into developing your weapons and items as you did your ships MK Level, or your weapons will be really underpowered if you are getting forced into higher matches.
    You could try switching to a lower MK ship level and see if this gives you easier matches.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. VinTsar

    VinTsar New Member

    16 Jan 2018
    My weapons are good but after another full day of play I've lost another 400 points and still getting matched with teams way stronger than me so I'm sinking towards zero. No way out but to find a better game to play :-(
    I tried switching ships but no difference.
  4. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    Other than the sound advice Ash KOT gave, the only other suggestions I can think of are:
    - consider whether your weapons work well at the level you’re at (for example, lots of mortars at lower levels, not so many at higher levels)
    - watch you tube to pick up any tips from other players running the same ship.
    Switching ships does take lots of practice as they all need differing play styles.
    I am fast approaching the level that mk 6 ships become available, but I’m going to ensure that I do a lot of upgrading of weapons/items before I even think about getting that upgrade.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Can you post a screen capture of your ship/inventory, and some of your game results from the battle log. Maybe we can help you.
    kurdish bndo likes this.
  6. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    Actually, guys, this is a big problem. Being forced to only play with opponents of Mk6 immediately as you get to Mk6 is an extremely unlevel playing ground. Keep in mind that most of the top players are Mk6, not Mk7. I've won games with all Mk4s with a Mk2 before, and consistently, not by luck. It isn't unfair to let players with different ship tiers play together.

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