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Future of speeders and defenders

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by BORN TO KILL YOU, 9 Mar 2018.


    BORN TO KILL YOU Active Member

    4 Jan 2018
    Doomed!...yeah speeder and defender will be doomed if the current meta goes on . with the new update shooters will be rocking 5 leg weapons fixers with 3 leg heal items(on second thought we shouldnt nerf flare heal reduction )...As for enforcers they are the current op boat so they can manage these shooters and fixers.( selfish fixers aka 3 duct tapesare really hard to kill if we nerf flare gun for speeders).Defenders can also carry 3 leg weapons with new weapon quest but we already know defenders suck now in terms of stats .It needs a buff to turret or agility cause they have the hitpoints but cant utilise it yet.

    Speeders at the moment is having a huge difference in skill cap ....seriously the ship now requires more skill to function devs should keep an eye on how hard a speeder is to play now especially for f2ps who have weak gear( mk5 and 6 speeder got a huge skill gap increase thanks to last teslabolt nerf

    Everyone can share their opinions ...dont start trash talking to me. Peace.
    VantaBlack likes this.
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Seen a ton of these "speeder is dead" posts from you.
    There are still a fair few tearing up the bay, but for sure they are much harder to play since the update, same with defender.
    Its not they are doomed as such, they just are not "meta" any more, so you no longer have the upper hand vs every other ship as a speeder.
    Pre update I had plenty of 1 vs 3, 1 vs 4, 1 vs 5 when I would come out on top.
    Whilst that was great, was it realistic that the smallest boat on the bay, with the smallest amount of health, could rip an entire team of 5 apart single handedly? Probably not.
    It is tough now with the changes that even a 1 on 1 is a challenge, let alone multiple unfriends due to bolt nerf, but its still possible to have great games as a speeder.
    Trouble is we are comparing speeder life now, to what it was when it was OP, truth is the speeder should be somewhere in the middle. Before it was overpowered, now its over nerfed, but certainly not doomed / unusable
    Rainbow Warrior and Earel like this.

    BORN TO KILL YOU Active Member

    4 Jan 2018
    Did u read carefully its about the leg weapon achievement ..like u said speeders and defenders is not meta so if the shooters and fixers run 5 leg plus 3 fix items it will.lead to the doom of both the said ships
  4. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Yes I read carefully, and the legendaries really wont be much of a problem.
    The epic T5s are much more common and will pack more of a punch than the free legendary each shooter / fixer will have
    Aether_Zero and Earel like this.

    BORN TO KILL YOU Active Member

    4 Jan 2018
    Sorry u didnt understand bro
    Look bro in bay we have a lot of f2p speeders and defenders like me so the point is every f2ps will move to shooters and other ships because they can utilise leg weapons so the only strong and usable speeders will be people who paid insane for getting tier 5 epics not on rng ..
  6. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    No you didnt understand bro :)
    F2P users will never have T4/T5 legendaries, as these are for the whales / big spenders.
    The T5 epics which are in the game hit harder than the T1 legendaries people can earn from grinding the weapon achievements!
    The T5 epics have always been in the game, and always will be, speeder and defender wont die because of shooters using 5 legendary weapons.
    You should be more worried about the enfo with the T5 epic flare, with dual T5 epic blasts cannons with epic burn perks, wrapped under a double tesla shield!
  7. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    You know what to do when multiple threads of same topic are created


    To OP, i don't like to be a bitch! But this is ssly irritates me(no offense bro) .... And stop use defenders as meat shield because you want to cry about speeders :D

    The nerf was unjustified and unexplained agreed, but creating multiple thread won't help.. Devs have datas and have probably noted steep fall in speeders... They probably will take appropriate steps to improve it
  8. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I bet next update will have some kind of defender buff :D
    Devs are working on it.

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