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For noobs

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Major Major, 29 May 2017.

  1. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I am getting tired of being paired with losers who don't know how to play the game, and get their whole team killed. So let me give you some beginners tips:

    1. Attack. Your job is to kill the enemy.
    2. Do not try to capture. If you go for capture immediately, you are just making yourself a target, and any one enemy can disrupt your capture. Use it later, to draw out the enemy. But don't bother using it too close to the end of the game, the clock will run out and you'll get a draw. Better to go hunt down the last enemy.
    3. Lead your target. Long range weapons like mortars take longer time to target. If the enemy is moving at 90 degrees to you, you must lead. If they're coming straight at you, just shoot. They're on a kamakaze run, they are easy to hit.
    4. You cannot shoot through waves. Weapons that shoot high like mortars might hit overhead obstacles. Watch out for a black target circle, your shot is blocked.
    5. Spread out. You should stay together, but if your whole team is within the blast radius of one weapon, you're all going to take a hit together.
    6. Learn to rotate your turret. You do not have to be looking straight ahead.
    7. Attack from the longest range you can. If you have a good long range weapon like the sniper cannon, you may be beyond the enemy range.
    8. Attack.
    mammoth1946 likes this.
  2. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    3 is wrong, 5 is wrong, 7 is wrong, and 4 can be shortened to "wait until your crosshair is green", 2 could be worded a little better. I've seen people that could have captured for a win, but got a draw because they just moved off of it for no reason.

    3. Lead your target even if they're coming at you. Judge your shot based off the speed of the enemy and the waves of the water, because even if they're coming right up to you, it's possible to fire a shot directly over them. This is why you are able to move your crosshair up and down and just side to side.
    5. Only spread out if your team has no Fixer. Even then, you should always be within range of other members of your team, at max, so they can support you. Otherwise, the enemy will just pick you off one by one.
    7. Get as close as you can while still staying relatively safe. Find cover closer to the enemy if you can do that without dying. Staying far away and sniping can work, but your DPS will likely be lower from the multitude of missed shots. Getting closer makes it easier to land a shot. If you're not confident in your ability to get that close without dying, because you're a Shooter, then simply equip longer-range weapons. Loading up on Sniper Cannons, Torpedoes, and/or Long Mortars can give a nice advantage, since that lets you be well-within the optimal range for your weapon, while still being out of range of the enemy. Remember, you can equip more than one of the same weapon!

    Some of this stuff you did say in your post, but saying "spread out ... stay together", for instance, isn't going to get across to anyone.
  3. TeamBallie BitchesInTeal

    TeamBallie BitchesInTeal New Member

    30 May 2017
  4. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    Look, these are tips for total noobs that don't even know you can't shoot through waves. And some of this should be obvious, like not staying too close to another player, so you could both be killed with the same shot. There's a reason the "together" icon has little dots showng the ships in an inverted V formation. But I forgot one noob error that really annoys me.

    8. Keep your powder dry: don't randomly shoot at stuff before you can see the enemy. You're just giving away your position, and your whole team's position. You lose the element of surprise.
    mammoth1946 and Netsa like this.

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