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Fixer Quests

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Scourge Argaen, 18 Nov 2017.

  1. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    I feel that the design of the quest system isn't favourable to a fixer. There is only one quest which befits them which is to heal x amount of damage which has a mirrored version available of dealing x amount of damage for the DPS.

    There are some generic quests of x amount of wins and x amount of stars which suite everyone and they're great but otherwise the quests consist of dealing damage with specific weapons or sinking specific ships. This also extends to the guild quests system which out of the 12 quests per tier, only 1 is for healing.

    Furthermore, a fixer only has 1 weapon slot until MK 6 whereas the others have multiple weapon slots, shooter being a prime example. These are polar opposites but the Shooter has the clear advantage for completing quests and receiving more guild tokens in comparison to a fixer.

    To help balance the quest systems and bring the fixer in line with the others, I'd like to see the following changes:

    - Introduction of quests relating to the amounts healed by:
    - Repair Bolt
    - Repair Box Launcher
    - Repair Pulse
    - The personal quests of a primary Fixer user to be prioritised as Healing > Generic > DPS
    - A second Fixer specific quest in the guild quest tiers.

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