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First Epic - Flare Gun!!!...lol

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Joe Chen, 13 Jun 2017.

  1. Joe Chen

    Joe Chen New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    so...my very first epic is a flare gun!!!...
    mixed feelings because i've been running shooter with point weapons, and my understanding of flare gun is that it can be good, but takes some work...
    what do people think? quite expensive to upgrade without really committing fully to the weapon.

    i'm currently running 2x sniper and 1x grenade. i figure the grenade and the flare gun could work well together and change my heroes to less point damage and more flame / fire damage?
    what is the optimal setup for an epic flare gun? what other weapons, what boat, etc.
  2. Joe Chen

    Joe Chen New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    ok so i did a little more reading and self investigation. i think one thing that is really attractive about the flare gun is that it has basically its own tech tree - every (or almost every) upgrade is related directly to the flare gun directly, so in the latter stages of burnice, the flare gun can be very powerful.

    i do wonder about the ability to hit with the flare gun in the first place though. most likely that's why you have to use it on a yellow boat so you can get in and out?
  3. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    flare and cannon (any type) is one of the most powerful and popular combos in the game right now... the beta players call it the "blacktail special" or "BT special"... in honor of the player who made the flare+cannon combo famous. before him, hardly anyone used flares in the game or used it to such great success. :)
  4. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    i watch battlebay youtubers and quite a number of good high level players use the flare gun. i think thats a nice epic to get. weapons paired up with it are cannons that do extra damage to burning enemies. if i remember correctly, one player using a defender used flare gun with two energy cannons.
  5. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    ^^correction .. explosive cannons not energy cannons. ^^
  6. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I would absolutely love your epic flare gun, wish we could trade :)

    T2 Epic Flaregun user.

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