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false complaints

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by rizoo, 17 Mar 2018.


(fair play vs internet disturbance)players think that i lose intentionally but the culprit was?

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  1. rizoo

    rizoo New Member

    9 Feb 2018
    I'm rizoo.I was playing battle bay for about a year & it's my favorite but i'm really disappointed now a days.I always play fair game & try to reach at the highest infamy. I'm playing as a fixer & my overall highest infamy was "3438 with mk5".The problem starts when i reach to lvl 40 & upgrade my fixer to mk6 about 3 weeks ago.My infamy drops horribly.I lose much of the games with the better ship which i didn't expect. Now my infamy is around 2100 and my friends gives the reason that someone complaints about u to loose intentionally & due to which battle bay developers drop ur infamy.
    I want to know the reason,i always play fair games.sometimes internet disturbs or disconnects & then reconnects due to which i can't perform well & team suffer & players think that i'm loosing intentionally & they complaint about me.
    So what's my fault & if someone was lodging complaint about me then its not true complaint.So why i suffer?Should i punished? I'm very disappointed....

    Attached Files:

  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Let me break it down for you:)

    Developers do not "manipulate" matches in any manner. If you are reported, the report is manually handled, and depending on the severity, a ban duration is adjusted.

    Now, as to your case. We(the forum members) DO know that something goes wrong when you upgrade to mk6. You start getting unfair matches(or it's just a question of getting accustomed to the new ship).

    BUT the issue is, once you drop more than 800 infamy from your all time high, you suffer from lower rewards and no stars. In addition, you get matches around your all time high as well.

    All this is rather unfortunate, and though we have given multiple suggestions till date, as of right now, no solution to prevent deliberate losers and at the same time, prevent genuine players on a bad streak from getting caught exists.

    However, on the bright side, give it two weeks, and the normal rewards will return;)
    YerJokinArnYer likes this.
  3. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    A Mk6 ship with infamy of 3300 will generally be better than a Mk5 ship of 3300. This is because they will have better weapons (as they will have spent more time playing and so will have opened more crates, plus will be further along in their training tree, and be more experienced in fighting the more experienced players. Mistakes are punished far quicker and harder than before by opponents.
    A mk5 of 3300 will still be fighting mostly mk5’s and some mk6’s, but a Mk6 of 3300 will mostly be fighting mk6’s with the odd Mk5 or Mk7 thrown in. This is because matchmaking uses ship level when deciding who you face (which I personally disagree with very strongly as it creates this exact situation).
    The dip you describe happened to me when I upgraded to Mk6, but I have now rode that rollercoaster and am at higher infamy levels than before (it just takes time).
    I also found, the more I lost, the more frustrated I got, so try to keep calm when playing.
  4. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    You will be reported due to a couple of losses and your infamy but don't worry you'll get acquitted once they review your replay. You'll only get the punishment if you really sold your game though.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  5. rizoo

    rizoo New Member

    9 Feb 2018
    Thnx to listen my problem but it continues...see this pic. Screenshot_2018-03-19-01-10-43-382.jpeg
  6. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I do genuinely feel sorry for you, and all others who lose a lot of infamy when they upgrade their ships.

    Just a quick word on your loadout, it is not considered optimal to run more than 50% of your weapons as torps (or mortars for that matter)

    Do you have another viable weapon you could use instead of that uncommon big torp? (I know you said you used to be a fixer, so you may not have any other weapons.

    I hope your infamy rises to a level that starts to give you rewards again soon.
    What's Up Player likes this.

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