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Facing problems with Shooter. Should I change my ship?

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Raunak, 4 Jun 2017.

  1. Raunak

    Raunak Member

    15 May 2017
    Hey guys I have been using shooter since the beginning of the game and I really loved it but then as I climbed through infamy it's really tough to gain infamy with the shooter and now I am decreased to 900 infamy to 550, which is really bad as I see players at 1000+ and I keep lossing matches Should I change my ship? Would that help increase my infamy? Please suggest me
  2. Lilbeast227

    Lilbeast227 New Member

    3 May 2017
    You should change tactics like change weapons or change your strategics like for example if i'm the only shooter i see my self as the damage so i would stick with the defenders as they take the damage and i do the damage it depends on your team.
    But do not change so quickly get used to different weapons and new thought up strategies first then change you could sometimes throw yourself under the bus for acting too quickly
    Totoro likes this.
  3. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    Your elo will naturally rise and fall. You can try switching up your ships and game styles, even if you don't focus a specific item set or ship as much as you should. Helps keep the game fresh. You will get overall trends of good and bad allies, that seem linked to your initial league start.
  4. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Not enough information. Which shooter? How is it outfitted?
  5. Raunak

    Raunak Member

    15 May 2017
    Shooter MK3
    And here is the setup
  6. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Oh. Youre the dude from the other thread with double snipers... why you make 2 thread?
  7. Raunak

    Raunak Member

    15 May 2017
    First I was facing problems with my Shooter mk3 so I thought to make a thread to get some suggestions on my ship so that I do good in battle. Then later on I thought if I change my ship and start experienceing new ships like enforcer MK3 or speeder MK3 will that improve my infamy? So I thought to make another thread. I was at two minds.

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