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Evolve items and LOST PERKS

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Xaedus, 17 Jul 2017.

  1. Xaedus

    Xaedus New Member

    17 Jul 2017
    So, I have 3 epic Grenade Launchers, one is level Ten with two Perks attached to it and needs to be evolved. I have two others both are level one BUT, one of the two has an epic perk and a rare perk attached and the other has no perks attached. The auto option always chooses the item WITH the perks attached instead the level one with no perks attached when evolving. Frustrating to assume it will auto opt to choose the basic level one without perks. Can u please fix this to choose the basic, no perk attached inventory items so I don't hit evolve while not paying attention to the fact the item chosen was the one with the perks on it and lose 2million in gold on the epic and rare lost or at least salvage them OFF the item when evolving so they don't just disappear and you lose all the effort put into acquiring them. PLEASE... as that's just dumb. The epics are rare enough to show up to purchase it may be months before another one shows up.
  2. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    3 epics of the same weapon?..lucky you..lol.
    Pro tip..NEVER assume anything when upgrading etc in games..ALWAYS double check before hitting that button to evolve..scrap etc.
    Just curious..why didn't you just salvage the perk off yourself..then evolve?
    Happy Battling (though it can be frustrating at times).;)
    Terminator 3.4x likes this.
  3. Shooter@Bay

    Shooter@Bay Active Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Yes, this is like a bug. It should inform the user. Hope, it will get fixed.

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