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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Romain-maim, 9 May 2017.

  1. Romain-maim

    Romain-maim New Member

    9 May 2017
    Bonjour tout le monde, voila mon souci je suis nv 10 avec bateau mk2 mon arme favorite et le canon sniper nv 10 mais voila, je voudrais le faire evoluer mais il.y a un hic. J ai bien les ressource ainsi que le truc vert et la competence mais il y a une case avec un autre canon sniper qui indiqud 0/1 alors que j en posede deja un. Voila si kkl aurait une astuce pour m aiclairer je prend. Merci

    Hello everyone, here is my concern I am nv 10 with boat mk2 my favorite weapon and cannon sniper nv 10 but voila, I would like to evolve it but there is a catch. I have the resources as well as the green stuff and the competence but there is a box with another sniper cannon that indicated 0/1 while I already posede one. So if kkl would have a trick to m aiclairer I take. Thank you
    Last edited: 9 May 2017
  2. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I'm sorry I don't know how to say this in France but I'll say it in English (please translate it with google or something if you want)

    So there's the deal: You need another one of those same weapons and same rarity as you are trying to evolve. For example if you have that sniper lv 10 and you want it to tier 2, you need to find an other sniper that is same rarity as your evolving one (uncommon needs uncommon and rare need rare and so on..) So if you have, lets say uncommon one you need another uncommon sniper to evolve the first one to tier 2. Also same thing when evolving to further tiers. Then you need also those power cells (green capsule things) and finally the crew talent (in this case bhurt to level 8 so it opens talent tier II)

    I hope this helps you :)
  3. Romain-maim

    Romain-maim New Member

    9 May 2017
    Ok I understand better, indeed my 2nd barrel sniper is not the same rare, thank you very much for your help and this response ultra fast, thank you and especially desoler for my English that must certainly kill your eyes.
  4. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    No problem and I'm fine with your English. It is clear and understandable :). (at least for my eyes :D)

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