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Engine swapping and tuning

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by SALadriel, 12 Oct 2018.

  1. SALadriel

    SALadriel New Member

    24 Sep 2017
    I just wanna know, what engine does the enforcer have?

    Besides that, I would like for there to be new engines purchase able in the market. The new engines could boost hp, boots speed, or boost turning radius, ya know stuff like that!
    Or of you could tune your current engine to do the same stuff as what the top says
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    This is basically what we already have/had with Blue items and Turbo.

    Blue slots can boost either speed or hp depending on if you equip Shield or Turbo.

    The turbo itself can also boost more speed or more hp depending on what perks you attach. I think you can add up to 330 extra hp to it.

    Turning Agility was the domain of Rudder, but that was recently removed from the game, because only about 1% of players actually wanted to use it over more speed/hp.

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