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Enforcer tips

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Excism, 9 May 2017.

  1. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    Which weapons, yellow, and blue items do you guys suggest? Right now (I'm MK2) I use cannon, standard mortar, turbo boost? (The one that makes you faster for 8 seconds since you can spam it for basically free speed), and shield for some HP. What do you guys do/suggest?
  2. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    For your weapons, I suggest you focus on 1 point weapons since you can equip three 1 point weapons for enforcer in the later levels, if you plan to use a 2 point weapon, then its best that you use a speeder. 1 point weapons are snipers, blast cannons, mines, carronades, etc etc. I would recommend that you equip atleast one type of cannon(Sniper or Blast), then the rest is really up to you.

    For yellow items, the turbo boost you are referring to is called Overboost. That item is a must for enforcers, but you could experiment with non OB build in the later levels. Another must have is Tesla shield that gives you a shield that can block projectiles. The other yellow items are Frost Launcher that can do a light area freeze, Frost blaster is a strong type of frost that can only target one ship, and Tesla bolt that can stun the enemy. Basically all of the yellow items are good and useful. Try them all out and stick with the one you like.

    For blue items, I suggest trying out either Standard shield or Bandage once you unlock the second blue slot. If you feel fast enough then Bandage would be a good choice for you. If you feel that your ship isnt as fast as others even with your Overboost equipped, then I suggest you use the shield to give you more HP. I dont feel like the other 2 blue items (Gear lube and Rudder) are of any use to the enforcer... But you could try them out as well.

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