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custom madness

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Kurd1stan., 24 May 2018.


is it good?

  1. nah

    1 vote(s)
  2. yes

    3 vote(s)
  3. not too much

    0 vote(s)
  4. it isn't worth it

    0 vote(s)
  5. i always search for custom matches , so yesssssss

    0 vote(s)
  1. Kurd1stan.

    Kurd1stan. Well-Known Member

    13 Sep 2017
    if you were searching the bay to know what costum madness is , then you are in the right place :

    it is just normal custom match , therefore there is no reward, infamy ,....etc ,
    but it is just for those who want to play a custom match , but can't find enough players to make one , it randomly put players in teams (it doesn't have any matchmaking , it is very normal that a team of 5 mk7 with all t5 legendary items play against all mk1 with lvl 1 common items ) , so no balancing ,
    and if you are fleeting , you and the one you are fleeting with will be in different teams ,

    need more info , ok ,but those info aren't added yet , still not sure about them ,
    1. no names are shown , even before the battle start , so you will never know your team , only after the game Finnish , or maybe you can't know them at all.
    2. no health bar , no one can know anyone's HP ,even you can't see it , , and if someone is getting healed it is just shown some green (+)s ,and if his health is full then there will be no green (+) .
    3. and it can be 3 vs 3 , 4 vs 4 and 5 vs 5 that is also randomly chosen .
    but everything is normally shown when watching the repay like it os a normal battle .

    did you think it will be like that?
    TheAntiSnipe and StrictSalmon307 like this.

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