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Could use some expert analysis..can anyone help?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rhummy, 10 Jul 2018.

  1. Rhummy

    Rhummy Member

    22 Feb 2018
    Hello BB community,
    I actually have a couple of questions, if anyone has a moment to answer that would be nice.

    1. Why am I always the the lowest infamy player on my team almost every round I play recently?
    I have lost about 500 infamy and...well just seem to be getting consistant bad luck with teams (i am usually at least top 3 damage at the end of every battle). I am currently an ace 1 leeage player for now but if i stay at this low level (currently at about 2500 infamy) i may go down to ace 2 next round...we will see how things turn out. If you want to see my player profile my name is rhummyjack. I am a mk7 shooter player with unfortunately mediocre weapons as I basically have just not been lucky when putting pieces

    2. In the 2 v 2 event battles. I basically lost 9 out of 10, or 8 out of ten.. for like 80 battles....the only time i have ever had success with it was when i was fleeting with a teammate.
    Is it simply that I am that bad of a player?

    Again thanks so much for your help if yiu do have time
  2. ChickenSurprise

    ChickenSurprise Active Member

    13 May 2017
    Healing you up
    Hiya, answering on mobile so I can't see your profile but
    1- I believe Matchmaking tries to balance out the total infamy of both teams to be similar so you probably had some people with high infamy and your lower infamy balanced things out but really being at the top or bottom makes no difference, really.
    Note that we all have losing streaks too even if we do most heals or damage.
    1/2- Some replays would help to see how you did in terms of playstyle or what the enemy did and I guess you were playing shooter too?
  3. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    leeage funny typo :D

    1. Did you win a lot recently before this chain of losses? If you did then it's likely that you're just facing a lose streak. Idk about being the lowest infamy player but that could be related to a lose streak. Alternatively it could be that you suddenly jumped all the way to Ace I but you were unable to maintain that infamy so you dropped back down. Btw GG that's what happened to me too; shot up to Ace I (highest 3033) but then tumbled back down to 2600.

    2. Maybe... Or it could be that your setup just isn't good for brawling/1v1ing others.

    Good luck in your battles! Seems like you're having a rough time; hope you win some soon :) If you want some advice on what build to use, or on improving your infamy, then post some pics of your loadout and maybe even a few battles so the pros can help you out.

    I do that all the time lol. What profile are you talking about?
  4. ChickenSurprise

    ChickenSurprise Active Member

    13 May 2017
    Healing you up
    I meant the player profile on BB can't see the weapons
  5. craz¥burd

    craz¥burd Well-Known Member

    8 Jul 2017
    United Kingdom
    Maybe because you're a Mk7 with 2500 infamy? Let's see your loadout and also a few replays? I suspect you're up against nightmare league players or high Ace 1, and probably have a gear score higher than your ability level (nothing personal, I do too!)
  6. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think that’s most likely the case. IIRC, late last year, matchmaking was changed to include ship mk, which meant all the mk6s in Master League were suddenly matched against Ace League players. I definitely remember getting matched against mk6s with 1200 infamy when I first got to 2500 in my mk5.

    I don’t know if the rules have been relaxed a little since then, but I’d say a mk7 will still get you matched pretty high.

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