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Congrats and some suggestions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by - Oskar -, 21 Jul 2017.

  1. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    First of all congratulate for this incredible game! and then I would like to make some humble suggestions.

    - Creating the possibility to see repetitions of the best gamers, Is a very complicated game and it would be great to be able to learn by watching the best and the most tight and / or funniest battles. Or special situations like when a ship only eliminates three, four or five enemies.
    - See at the end of the battle how much damage has been done with each weapon would be of great help.
    - I understand that the points system forces you to play in a team that is interesting, but a difference of say 5 points between the one that makes the most and the one that make less, would be fair and would force the players to do better, and not stay hidden while Others struggle. Or at least when you make a big game and lose you would not feel so silly.
    - The possibility of seeing the repetitions of your games, this would make it easier to learn and that people who have youtube channels will do a better job and therefore the game grows more. This way if you are not recording and you make a great game is lost.
    - Be able to share your games with your fleet. Just as you motivate to join a fleet, because at this point there is nothing special about belonging to one that is not logical in a team game.
    - If you have an improved store, replays of the best games and pieces to share or improve with your fleet, without a doubt the interest to play each day would be much greater and the community would grow. If on the contrary when you activate the game there are no repetitions to see, you can not buy, and nothing to do with your fleet is a bit frustrating.
    - I understand and it seems intelligent to me that it is so complicated and expensive to improve the weapons, but in this case it is close to impossible, it would be fantastic that at least once a month you could buy a piece of weapon even if you have it and at least have the hope that You will have it even if you have to pay and wait.
    - And of course a couple of new maps would be great.

    Sure some or all of these suggestions are in this forum sorry that I have not had time to read everything. And I repeat that I really love your game, I just hope see some improvements like gamer in the future, thanks for your time!
  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Many fine suggestion! With you on item progression being a tad to stingy.

    Id recommend checking out YouTube for some highlevel gameplay - My favourite is P0rthos, but you can find links to others ingame in one of the message tabs.
    • Percy • and - Oskar - like this.
  3. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    In-game replays would be fantastic! That is a great suggestion. YouTube is nice but a proper ingame system would be way nicer.

    About item progression: it has to be long and hard for two reasons:
    1. It gives people long term progression, if people could max their stuff in 2 months you'd see a lot more quitters after 2 months played
    2. It gives people a reason to spend money on the game, which is simply needed

    That said, I feel like there's one thing that could be a little better: the rewards for challenger, warrior and master league. They're all underwhelming. League rewards are give only once every 2 weeks, and for that, they're simply small. I understand that the high leagues give out epic and legendary pieces which is great and probably doesn't need buffing, but playing your bottom off in master league for 2 weeks straight and then getting only enough rare parts to upgrade a single item a single time... that's underwhelming.
    ChickenSurprise and - Oskar - like this.
  4. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ace 1 gives 1 epic piece every 2 weeks -- Thats an epic item every 20 weeks, i.e. nothing.
    Seasonal rewards are underwhelming across the board.
  5. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    thanks Kitterini, yes I follow the youtubers when I have time, I love Porthos videos hope he upload more often!
    Miathan I agree on the system, I do not want a player to put a legendary weapon the first day on t5, but this also does not work without skill. But a middle ground between having to be Bill Gates and putting it so easy.
    But I agree that it takes a good income to maintain servers, good developers, and generally improve the game. But this game is of great difficulty and it is easy to frustrate many new players, I think that the repetitions and more videos would make the community grow faster.
  6. bambam1912

    bambam1912 New Member

    15 Jun 2017
    battle bay - fleet friends
  7. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @bambam1912 stop spamming this video all over the forum please.
  8. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    yes please put your video in other place...

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