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Code of conduct!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by SlAyEr, 12 Nov 2017.

  1. SlAyEr

    SlAyEr Active Member

    12 Jun 2017
    I would like to talk about Battle bay code of conduct.
    We aren't supposed to abuse, no harrassments, no account selling etc etc. Abuses in English r blocked or censorsed.
    What about abuses in other languages?

    What about players trying to sell their accounts? Is this even allowed?

    I haven't seen any actions. Players keep abusing, keep spamming, try to sell accounts etc.

    Imo, no actions. Only those get banned who get multiple reports. There should be a separate option here in the forums where we can post about player if he/she misbehave or involve in any misconduct?
    Everything should be transparent..
    What do u think?

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