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Classic Game

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by NietonoPanda, 24 Mar 2018.


Classic Game added on Battle Bay?

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. NietonoPanda

    NietonoPanda Member

    20 Mar 2018
    Could they make a seperate matchmaking that doesnt affect infamy. In this game mode we will be match with same level captains and we can avoid infamy tankers that can one shot us. In this mode this serve as training grounds who arent ready to play at rank matches. Sorry if couldn't express myself im bad at english so if someone understand you could help me out here. By doing this new players are encourage to play battle more especially us newbies. If you want to raise infamy then go on rank match game. If you just want a fight that is fair and square then go to classic mode that is not base on infamy. Just like other games for example DOTA there is a classic game and ranked match. This will surely help us newbie to avoid infamy tankers thanks!
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I like this idea, though implementation may take some work.
    Rainbow Warrior and NietonoPanda like this.
  3. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    How about there be two option after clicking battle.
    1. Ranked
    2. Unranked
    But matchmaking will be done like before from the complete pool of players.
    Just those who have selected unranked will not lose /win infamy and those selected ranked will win or gain infamy.
    This has two pros.
    1. Players in bb won't be divided, since their is not enough for two separate system.
    2. It will be the real match practice which you gonna face in battle ranked.
  4. NietonoPanda

    NietonoPanda Member

    20 Mar 2018
    The purpose of this is to seperate infamy tankers and "NEWBIE" so basically this mode is made to match players within their lvl not base on infamy.
  5. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Will it give rewards?
    NietonoPanda likes this.
  6. NietonoPanda

    NietonoPanda Member

    20 Mar 2018
    It's just a suggestion for newbies like me to avoid being match with infamy tankers(mk5-mk6), same rewards after the game sugar and gold for us to farm our gears before stepping into rank games. By doing this newbies like us will be encourage to play battle bay more and continue to get strong until we can be competitive for rank games.
    Last edited: 24 Mar 2018

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