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Can someone please help me out!?!?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by AdonisContreras, 4 Aug 2017.

  1. AdonisContreras

    AdonisContreras New Member

    4 Aug 2017
    I've been playing for a month now, I was playing today and after 6 defeats in a row, I decided it was enough for today.
    I went to my inventory and I was going to level up my uncommon Big Shield to level 19 and I accidentally scrapped it. It hurted me so much since it granted me more than 500 HP, can someone please help me out??? I would be so happy if I got it back, I never wanted to scrap it. @Miika please??? My player tag is MKNTCXNT
  2. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Another case of accidentally scrapping and rovio is not doing anything about it.this issue is becoming so common and all we get from admins is that u have 2 confirmation messages so its ur fault.im sorry to say but u wont get it back ppl have lose there legendaries And havent got them back
    ThatOnion likes this.
  3. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Great, another one of these posts...

    I mean, it's not like there are TWO confirmation steps to scrap something.

    So congrats, gross incopetence has caused you to lose your item. And you deserved it.
    Biffter likes this.
  4. AdonisContreras

    AdonisContreras New Member

    4 Aug 2017
    Well thank you for at least taking the time to call me incompetent. Mistakes do happen, I just wanted to know if there was anything that could be done. Don't think the insults were necessary though, but thank you for your answers.
    Ultrah likes this.
  5. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Its not ur fault i lost my level 18 epic blast cannon.it happens in less than a second because we r used to it we scrap lots of items daily so not ur fault at all
  6. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Although it would be good to be able to put a lock on some items..
    But YES ..it is YOUR fault you scrapped your epic item.
    As Miika has said..it takes 3 incorrect selections to scrap a wrong item.. 1. Select wrong item.. 2. Hit scrap on wrong item.. 3. Hit scrap AGAIN on wrong item.
    If you're doing all that in less than a second..you're clearly not paying attention..so who's fault is that?
    ThatOnion likes this.
  7. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Well i dont think its my fault because im not the only to did this u can see lots of ppl talking about this issue.secondly u obviously dont know how human brain works if u do same thing again and again then u will become quick thats how our brain works but i think u lack one.we dont read that message everytime we scrap item and one wrong click ur done because of how fast our finger works u dont even see it.
  8. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    While it's true that more than a few people have done it, that doesn't make it not your fault. Ultimately, you clicked on the wrong item and didn't double check before scrapping. That being said, I think a locking mechanism to prevent loss of gear through accidental scrapping would be beneficial. The current method definitely leaves a lot of room for accidental destruction.
  9. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    This game is still new and so many incidents had happend already.im asking for samething i dont want my item back i just want devs to do something about it to prevent it from happening in future.lock system or one more option is to dont let scrapping of items with perks.thats all we want dont give our items back but atleast do something about it
  10. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Is that fair what do u think?
  11. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    It's unfortunate and from other threads posted there is frustration but I generally agree that it comes down to the individual making the error; with the 3 steps to scrap already noted, it probably should be a case of it being left scrapped. But raise a ticket and see what happens.

    I think TheCrisco is on the right track in terms of a locking feature. What would be better still imo, is a scrapping grace period. Essentially when you choose to scrap you have 30 seconds or 1 minute to change your mind. Once it's gone it's gone.

    Upside it's an additional back up in case the error is made and you get an opportunity to rectify it.

    Downside is the waiting period might be equally frustrating.

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