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Bug: "The Infinite Zoom" makes me seasick

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Major Major, 10 Oct 2017.

  1. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I'm not going to post this in the v2.5 bugs post, because this was happening before the update. This is an intermittent bug but I think I found out what's wrong.

    I'm using an iPhone 6s. Occasionally, and almost always at a crucial point in battle, the viewpoint of the camera loses its place, and suddenly I find the camera is repositioned at the edge of the world, then zooms back as fast as it will render, until it is back in the proper place. For a moment, this makes me motion sick, I'm tracking an enemy and then all of a sudden in the blink of an eye, I'm on the outside of the game grid and I'm flying at high speed back to my previous location.

    Invariably this happens in the middle of a tight close-up battle, and I'm just getting ready to fire and then for a couple of seconds, I can't see what I'm aiming at, and I return to position DEAD. The enemy shoots me while I am disabled.

    I think I figured out why this happens, when I watched a replay of my most recent game. Just when the Infinite Zoom happens, I noticed my ship lurched forward and went slightly INSIDE one of the large objects in the playing field, and then bounced back. Now that I think back, this seems to occur when I bump into terrain or objects, while I'm trying to make a tight turn. Apparently the collision detection is a bit buggy, I manage somehow to get inside a bit of terrain, then the game resets the ship and camera position back outside the terrain.

    Developers: please fix this.
  2. BattleNerd

    BattleNerd New Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I have had this happen to me a couple times recently, and today, I had a similar “movement” issue that caused my ship to suddenly be a couple dozen ship lengths forward and up against a barrier. I don’t know what that looks like to others in the game. If I saw someone else suddenly moving like that, I would have guessed hacking, but I am no hacker.

    The short jump affected the ship, where the issue Major Major and I have experienced, seemed to be a camera dislocation.

    I was on an iPad Air 2, iOS, BB software version 2.5.16358. I checked for updates. I am up-to-date.
  3. Major Major

    Major Major Active Member

    28 May 2017
    I think I have seen this same problem, but it seems to be a network problem. I've seen a bad connection make ships jump around, sometimes you can tell if there is packet loss by seeing a little warning triangle with an exclamation point at the top center of the screen. I think the jumping is just the boats catching up to their position calculated by the server.
  4. BattleNerd

    BattleNerd New Member

    13 Oct 2017
    That’s quite possible. I’m not on a great network. Speed varies greatly. I could have held the button” down advancing my ship when the camera froze and then it caught up, as you said. I don’t recall seeing the network warning triangle, but it could have been there. I’ll keep an eye out for it in the future if this happens again. Thanks!

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