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Buff Tesla Shield

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Netsa, 15 Jul 2017.

  1. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Let it block something other than cannon shots. All the things that bypass or easily break it:
    - Mortar/Grenade/Fire Bomb AoE goes through it. It's not as easy as going for the direct hit, since the direction of the mortar affects where exactly it will fly. Unless you're sitting dead center, being even slightly off means the mortar can come in at a diagonal, hit the water, and you take nearly full damage. After the nerf, attempting to tank the direct hit is riskier since you can't pair it with a quick Nitro or second Tesla Shield if it gets shot off anymore.
    - Tesla Bolts instantly remove the shield.
    - Freeze goes through it. Not a huge deal, but if you were hoping to get behind a corner or speed away under the invincibility of the shield, you won't be doing that.
    - Torpedoes skip it. Combined with freezes, the Tesla Shield does absolutely nothing against the freeze+torpedo combo.
    - Mines, obviously.
    - Melee bypasses it. If an enemy is in close enough proximity to be shooting inside of your shield, then it won't block the shot. I thought this was a bug the first time I saw it, but it's working as intended.
    - Flares(?) and Fire Bombs. They seem to apply their total damage rather than their tick damage, so a single hit almost always breaks the shield. That doesn't even make sense.
    - I haven't seen it tested with Carronade, but Missiles don't care much about the shield, either. Weak shields will get destroyed by one while you get hit by the others. Strong shields still let you take AoE damage.
    Then there's other weird things like the fact that I've rarely seen a Sniper cannon not break the shield. I'm tempted to say it just always applies it's crit damage, but I can't prove that so maybe I'm just being salty.

    Point is, please buff this thing. It has more counterplay now than it has regular play. If I'm going to get stunned anyway, can it at least defend me properly?
    BEN, Zusay and LimeOnMars like this.
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Yes flares. @ your (?)

    I love my flare gun
  3. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Yeah it's fun from the flare gunner's perspective, but it really is frustrating. I've had this shield since I was Mk 2, but I might just scrap it for a Tesla Bolt and be done with it. Tesla Bolt will take off enemy Tesla Shields and will protect me for more than 5 seconds in a 1-on-1.
    Last edited: 15 Jul 2017
  4. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I agree, the Tesla shield needs a buff. Its almost like a taunt skill since you are basically asking the enemies to target you and because of the shield radius, you are now an easier target and everyone knows youll get stunned at the end. It no longer is a positive for the user. Atleast give it enough HP to block 2 shots. There are no HP Tesla shield perks so unless you have a T5 epic or better then you are a sitting duck when you use it.
  5. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    Idk I've been using a tier 1 epic all the way up to 2700, and they hit pretty damn hard there. I'm fine with it blocking only 1 or 2 shots, especially considering that means 1/2 my health or more. Currently it is the best yellow item imo, but it is 2 slots which is what balances it.
  6. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I dunno.. For me its a lateral move at best doesnt really give you any advantage like it used to. The only way it becomes a positive for the user is if it can block 2 shots like what you said. But from my experience it mostly blocks just 1 shot. Unless they add TS Hitpoint perks, then I think buffing the HP of TS is reasonable.
  7. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I don't think it needs an HP buff, it just needs a quality-of-life buff. Let it block other stuff. It doesn't have to block everything, but it's a 2-point item. Would the world end if we let it block torpedoes? Would it be OP if flares and/or CC just bounced off of it? How about an overshield that blocks AoE a certain amount of times per cast?

    I reiterate, it doesn't have to block everything. If they add just one thing to the list, I would be happy.

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